Calesdeda Lightweaver



6 years, 4 months ago


Before you is a spry little excuse of an elf, one bearing a huge and toothy grin for all to see. Her presence radiates with a certain enthusiasm that only those who are untouched by the corruption of the dark world that surrounds the population of this world and the next one. 

Let us start from her head down to her toes, then the nitty gritty of her being.

The first thing you would notice is the short stature this sin’dorei has, standing at a mere 5'1". Though in this height is a slim and feminine figure, subtle curves of her everblooming body as it matures even as we speak. In light of her adolescence, her skin is fair with little to no flaws tainting such a complexion.

Speaking of, she has a very round face typical of those still growing into the body they will come to be. Her cheeks are still defined, as is her jawline, though they are behind supple flesh that makes everything seem fluid. Upon her frame is set one glittering pit of fel, shrouded by long and lustrous eyelashes to adorn it. This eye is a sheer pool of positivity and a thirst for life in itself.

Her golden tresses may fall down to the middle of her thighs, a certain beauty in the ringlety curls that make their way into it. However, she prefers to bind it up into a tight braid that is rarely seen anywhere aside from resting upon her right shoulder.

The words that flow from these pink, plump lips are bouncy and cheerful, with no sign of hesitation--unless the girl is found to be in a flustering environment. She has a high pitched voice that is characteristic of young girls of her age range, and everything she says is loaded with a wholehearted energy. 

The blonde is typically very outgoing, approaching any and all who are near, especially if she sees a part of them that is absolutely worth her inquiry. One of her guiltiest pleasures in life is being able to find something interesting in everyone she meets, which is always sated upon any conversation she has with an individual.

For now, that's all you have time to examine from afar. If you wish to learn anything else about this girl, you'll just have to find it out for yourself.