
1 year, 10 months ago


Age16 biologically
  • Salt
  • Dogs
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • Birds
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a

Extra Info

Five is a false clone, he was originally created to be an opposite gender clone of Uma but slightly too much DNA from another person (this was because you can't create a male clone from a female) was used, this gave him attributes similar to this person. Which could explain his love for salt which he eats like he'll die if he doesn't have it. 

Five begins as an antagonist, believing completely that what Ciar Enterprises is doing is right, however later on he moves to being neutral. When Uma and Felix go to escape the lab for good, with a lot of persisting, they convince Five to go with them, soon after he begins to wear a blindfold. The blindfold keeps him from accidentally hurting anyone as if he focuses on someone too long when he is upset it can lead to him accidentally hurting them or even killing them with telekinesis. Quite a bit later he has learnt to control himself a bit better but he still keeps the blindfold on him just in case, at this point he highly dislikes Ciar Enterprise.

20 Character Questions:

1) Did they attend high school or university? Neither.

2) Favourite book? None.

3) Favourite movie? None.

4) Who is their closest friend? He doesn't really consider anyone to be a close friend.

5) What do they fear? Himself.

6) Introvert or extrovert? Unknown.

7) Any nicknames? Five.

8) Hobbies? Unknown.

9) Do they have any allergies? None.

10) Favourite food? Salt.

11) Have they ever been bullied or teased? Sometimes teased, but he does the bullying.

12) Where do they go when they’re angry? He storms off in a random direction.

13) Do they have any pets? No.

14) How do they respond to disappointment?

15) What do they do to comfort themself?

16) More optimistic or pessimistic? 

17) Any injuries? 

18) What smells do they associate with their childhood?

19) Do they have any strange habits or little quirks? 

20) What kind of accent would they have when they speak?