highschool sweetheart



1 year, 9 months ago



  • collects badges and hairpins from her victims as lil trophies
  • has a sicking-sweet high-pitched voice when talking to her victims
  • loves anything pastel
  • she isn't an actual blondie, her natural hair is light brown
    • will swear up and down to the high heavens that she is a true blonde
  • has a pet cat that's similar to the pin she won
  • goes to Sacred Heart School for Girls
    • the male equivalent is 'Sacred Soul School for Boys'
      • the schools are connected by the outside area
  • she’s mainly known to go after anyone that has accessories or is dressed generally cutesy, similarly to her. It’s unknown as to why she chooses these victims specifically. 
  • is known to generally be mentally unstable and rumoured to have undiagnosed mental illnesses by other students in her school. 
    • If asked directly- she laughs and brushes off the question 
  • she’s recognized to be dangerous by the Authorities, but has dodged being pinned to various cases with how well she covers her tracks
  • popular amongst students in her school, especially with jocks. 
  • has a notoriously strange habit of placing pieces of human hearts within stuffed dolls.
  • based off the song 'highschool sweethearts' by melanie martinez
  • She is a Lesbian. 
    • She covers up this fact by pretending to be straight and dating boys, faking to be in love with them before Ultimately killing them when she gets bored.
  • she swears that she is Straight and will often twist her ideal date types to mention them being male, when in reality,, they’re actually her ideal women.
  • Actually has a crush on another female student in the school from a different class-  she’s vowed to herself to never kill that specific girl, but everyone else? She’ll gut them all the same