


1 year, 9 months ago






Koyaykus is 180 cm (6’0")tall,fit with an inverse triangle physique.He has a diamond-shaped face with thin,straight eyebrows that lift at the end, almond blue eyes, a large bumped nose and a wide mouth with thin lips.He has large earlobes and long bushy sideburns.His hair are long,black and silky,he keeps them in a messy braid tied with a red bow.

Koyaykus is an Ainu fortune teller.Although his predictions are correct, he is ready to lie in order to extort money from his customers by selling useless amulets or good luck charms. he specializes in poisons and explosives, he can never stay in the same place for too long.


  • money
  • birds
  • fine liquor
  • solitude


  • superficial people
  • getting dirty
  • surpises


Adaptable,captivating,clean,daring,intelligent,skillfull,tidy//// political,sarcastic,cautious,dishonest,flamboyant,money-minded

  • ENTP
  • voiceclaim: Shinichiro miki
  • 31~35 yo
  • pansexual,polyamorous.
  • Japanese(Ainu)


Koyaykus was born on the 11th of November 1874 in Urakawa,Hidaka, in a small Ainu village with her younger sister,Inkarmat. He was born during a violent snowstorm that lasted many days and killed many hunters that didn’t make it back to the village. After the storm passed, a lot of game had perished and finding food became more and more difficult, and so his presence in that village was perceived as a bringer of calamities. Spending most of his time with the elderly women of his community he grew fascinated with the properties of plants and flowers,especially the venomous kind, and started to create his own medicines and poisons. Inkarmat and him left the village to Otaru and it was there that they met Wilk and kiroranke. Koyaykus and Kiroranke will form a very tight bond, an unrequited love from Koyaykus’s part drew them even closer as the two exchanged informations on poisons,explosives and politics. The two siblings left otaru when Wilk got married to Asirpa’s mother. Koyaykus, like his sister, was able to predict someone’s past and future through the Sirakki Kamuy (the skull of a white fox used for divinations) but grew distant from her when she befriended a group of Japanese men that he disliked. He wanders the south of Hokkaido and makes money with his fortune telling and medicine.

Koyaykus is a sly and seductive man, he shows no scruples in defrauding the Japanese with false prophecies, seducing married women and selling poisons:the buyers of his poisons are mainly women tired of their husbands, young people who do not want to go to war, but also politicians who want to eliminate their opponents. He has many enemies in all of Hokkaido and spends most of his time in isolation distant from big cities.


Cikap [ wife ]

Koyaykus and Cikap met in 1901 and got married according to Ainu tradition.They stayed together until he was forced to move for "work". Cikap does not know the details of his work and prefers not to ask too many questions, Koyaykus returns to the village a few times a year for the birthdays of their four daughters.

Igor [ partner ]

Igor met him during one of his trips but has no idea why Koyaykus travels so frequently or anything about his past.He appreciates the moments when he comes back to visit him and catch up on eachother lives.

Sayuri [ partner ]

Sayuri is the only partner with whom Koyaykus does not have a sexual relationship. He has been captivated by her beauty and intellect and pays a lot for time with her, even though they have never done anything their relationship is very intimate.

code by 00Ishikawa00