Tornado (Orkan)



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Tornado (Male 21)



Personality: Playful, hotheaded, energetic, introvert, quickly reacts and after thinks, extrovert, starhead, smørt boi, creative. 

Backstory:  Actually pretty average story. Dad was and arsehole, but Tornado loves his mom and young sister with all his heart. He is afraid to be ashamed and dissapoint his family, so tries doing anything to his family. Loves his friends. Hates when everyone calls him by his real name — Orkan, since his hateful dad usually called him only by his name, when it's usually means everything's gonna be bad. In childhood Tornado and Olive made two braids, which meant eternal memories and family boundage. Tornado frequently visiting his old mother (dad died), while Oly don't want see her. It's all hard in their family.

Once this Tauyn found abandoned barn, where lived some sort of mechanic. That's where he got those wings, tho he redesigned and updated them much. Tauyns doesn't have very "flexible" arms and those aren't agile, but if they'll spend hours and hours above some detailed work — it's gets easier to make. Those wings aren't flying, yet only planning and requires a lot of strength to open/close them. He loves his commandor Ibu, so due to (WIP) situation Ibu gifted important thing for her to soldier, as sign of appreciation (and love?) 

Relationships: Olivia (Younger sister), Beatrice (Fav mom), Joseph (Hateful dad) 

Alias: Tornado / Lighty (mom`s)