omg if this wasnt yoinked yet i would LOVE to get a lil gift for my bestie ehehe

version: leader
character reference: seb!!
expression: happy/friendly vibes, then he gets all evil n scary >:)!!
different outfit color?: default pls!! o7
extra: UM he needs his oxygen backpack thingy, but u can just slap the mask on him and call it a day if doing the whole thing is too much !!

runs in at full speed, crashes through several buildings, dies, revives

hi yes i can do this! i is that fella a siamese cat omg i love em i am happy to 

you can send 50€ to my friend's paypal here 😎👇
+ add a note saying it is you

thank you for buying a slot!!

WHAOH..!! payment should be sent!!! plus a teensy somethin bc uhhh tip ur artists <3 but THANK U FOR ACCEPTING YAY!!! my bestie will luv this sooo much omigod

omg ty for the tip!! i'll get your commission, expect a small wip soon 💃 (will pm if thats ok!)

YAAA UR SO WELCOME!!! im v excited for this hehe!! yeas pls pm me whenever ur ready!! >:]]]

Allow me to drop in here aswell and say big thank you for the tip aswell!
-The other collab artist who just does the animation of this YCH lmao

YEAAA OFC!!! ur so welcome !!