


1 year, 10 months ago


Silver she-cat with thick neck and chest fur, she has darker markings on her face, paws and tail alongside pale blue eyes. She has been the leader of Witherclan for many years and only has 3 of her 9 lives remaining. She is a serious she-cat who is fair in all that she does, she is a wise leader who even other clans turn to for her wisdom. Her warrior name was Lilynight and her brother is Ashenbirch.

Large brown tom with faint tabby markings, with thicker, darker ones down his tail. He has golden eyes and similiar-coloured flecks on his tail, making it resemble a snake. Despite his massive, and intimidating, appearance, he is very good-humoured and likes to tease in the way a dad would. He is loved by his clanmates and is trusted to give orders if Lilystar ever couldn't, as he has been her deputy since she became leader. He has had two known mates, the first being Fawnsong, who had his daughter Fernnettle, and a second outside of the clan who had his son Hatchpaw. He is the mentor of Brookpaw.
Medicine Cat 

Brown tom with a lighter muzzle and chest, darker tipped ears and tail, and a white nose and paws. No one knows his eye colour because of him constantly keeping them closed/slitted. Despite this, he can see as well as any other cat and that shows in his excellent medical skills, his only fault is his habit to experiment with remedies. He is quite charismatic, but can get easily irritated, which he will express still with a smile. He was the brother of Fawnsong, Addertail's former mate. Despite being a young medicine cat, he has already taken an apprentice, Hatchpaw.
Medicine Cat Apprentice

Hatchpaw [Hatchshell]
Ginger tabby tom with a white muzzle, chest, underbelly and paws. He has yellow eyes. Despite being the child of a loner, he is still popular amongst his clanmates. This is because his father is the beloved deputy, Addertail, and he is the Medicine Cat Apprentice, which is a respected role. He is a bit clumsy and is endlessly curious, which can sometimes be a fault as he sticks his nose where it doesn't belong. He was raised by Fallenheart, is the half-brother of Fernnettle and is the apprentice of Shywater.

Gray she-cat with ginger paws, chest, back, eartips and tail-tip. She has mismatched blue eyes, with the left being lighter than the right. She was formerly a kittypet who became a loner, then she joined another clan before finally coming to Witherclan. Her history made it hard for her to fit in at first, but she has earned her clanmates respect by being a hardworker. There are murmurs that she would be a good deputy candinate, if she didn't refuse to go to gatherings. She has kin in her past clan but she doesn't talk about it.
White fluffy cat with gray stripes on head and face. They have darker tipped ears and tail alongside green eyes. Velvetinferno was formerly a loner named Velveteen, but changed their name to Velvetinferno when they learned of the clans. They weren't accepted into the clan at first but they persisted at the borders until Lilystar accepted them. They trained as an apprentice but earned their chosen name back when they proved themself to be an excellent warrior. They are really good with kits and apprentices.
Pale ginger tabby she-cat with gray patches and golden eyes. Nectarleaf is an older she-cat, she can be a bit snappy with the younger cats and likes to voice her opinion. The new warriors and apprentices tend to be wary of her, but any older cat appreciates her opinions and can see the wisdom behind them. Most of her kin are gone but she is very close with Freckledust as a friend and her former mentor.
Cream speckled she-cat with a white muzzle, chest, underbelly and tail-tip, she has green eyes. Freckledust is a bit of a gossip, cats come to her because of her motherly aura but anything she is told goes straight to her friend and former mentor Nectarleaf as the two chat away together. She is mates with Smokestream, the two were smitten even as kits, and the two's first litter is Hoppingpaw, Brookpaw and Ferretpaw.
Silver tabby tom with darker stripes and amber eyes. He is the brother of Lilystar, which is probably the reason he gets away with a lot of the things he says. He is rude and blunt alongisde being a bit of a womanizer, which is probably the reason why he doesn't have a mate. Despite his attitude, he has a soft spot for people who trust him, like his sister , his best friend Smokestream, and his apprentice Ferretpaw. 
Dark gray tom with black blotched tabby markings and brown eyes. He is quite soft-spoken and gentle, and a great listener who cats tend to turn to when they realise their secrets aren't safe with his mate Freckledust. Despite being quiet he knows all of the gossip thanks to his mate. He is universally loved and dotes on his children, Hoppingpaw, Brookpaw and Ferretpaw.
White tom with a light gray back and darker gray face patches and tail, he has green eyes. Chiveblink is the twin brother of Clovergaze and the best friend of Fernnettle. The three are often seen hanging out together, usually outside of camp away from prying eyes. He was born to a loner and raised by Fallenheart, who he is seen by when not with Fernnettle. The clan find him and his brother odd, especially because of their neutral expressions that are always hard to read.
White tom with a light gray back and darker gray face patches and tail, he has green eyes. Clovergaze is the twin brother of Chiveblink and the best friend of Fernnettle. The three are often seen hanging out together, usually outside of camp away from prying eyes. He was born to a loner and raised by Fallenheart, who he is seen by when not with Fernnettle. The clan find him and his brother odd, especially because of their neutral expressions that are always hard to read. His apprentice is Hoppingpaw, which he is often away training which turns the trio into a duo, which the clan isn't used to.
Brown she-cat with thick tabby stripes and a dark tailtip and ears. She has white legs and a white face alongside golden eyes. She is the daughter of Addertail, but grew to resent him because he was busy with with his deputy duties and left her alone in the nursery without any parents. This resentment only grew when he brought her half-brother Hatchpaw to the clan as a kit. She grows irritated when cats praise him around her, and found comfort in Chiveblink and Clovergaze, who she has continued to be friends with even as they became warriors. Though their trio is now more of a duo due to Clovergaze gaining an apprentice. She has a secret she hasn't told anyone yet.
Black tom with long fur and gray eyes. Shadowstalker and his brother were taken into the clan as rogues and became apprentices, and later warriors. Cats are still a bit wary of Shadowstalker due to how silent he is and how he looks like a walking shadow, causing him to easily blend into his surroundings. He has grown distant from his brother as the other has become accepted by the clan.
Black tom with a half white face and blue-gray heterochromia. Halfmoon and his brother were taken into the clan as rogues and became apprentices, later warriors. Halfmoon has become accepted by his clanmates due to being chatty and friendly, though this has put some distances between him and his brother.
Hoppingpaw [Hoppingpea]
Small cream blotched tabby she-cat with brown eyes. She is a very nervous little cat who is a bit of a people-pleaser, her mentor having an identical twin and being hard to read hasn't eased any of her worries. She is on her way to being a warrior, but has been sneaking out of camp as of late, which other cats have chalked up as her just getting a breath of fresh air. She is the daughter of Smokestream and Freckledust and the apprentice of Clovergaze.
Brookpaw [Brookmist]
Dark gray blotched tabby she-cat with a cream chest and white muzzle and paws, she has brown eyes. Brookpaw is a confident she-cat who knows her worth and isn't afraid to flaunt it, not helped by the fact she has gotten the popular deputy as her mentor. She has a huge crush on Ashenbirch which she isn't subtle about, and tends to pick on Hoppingpaw when she gets nervous. She is the daughter of Smokestream and Freckledust.
Ferretpaw [Ferretfoot]
Pale cream tom with dark gray blotched tabby markings on his back and tail, he has brown eyes. He is a big goofball who plays off how clumsy he can be with a laugh and a joke, older cats tend to be fond of how silly he is, he's even managed to make Ashenbirch, his usually crabby mentor, like him. He is friends with Hatchpaw and still makes time to visit the tom even as they follow different life paths. He is the son of Smokestream and Freckledust.
Pale she-cat with cream and fawn markings, she has scarring across her eyes, chest and back. Her formerly blue eyes are milky white. She fell pregnant with a litter fathered by a kittypet who showed no interest in the idea of kits, due to only just becoming a warrior she decided to hide it and lost the litter when she was attacked during a battle with another clan, along with her eyesight. Despite the event still haunting her even with her older age, she has stayed in the nursery and raised other kits without mothers and is loved by all of her clanmates, especially those she has raised. 
White calico she-cat with green eyes and tufted ears. She is the sister of Sweetstar from Decayclan, but moved to the clan to be with her mate Brindlewing. Unfortunatley Brindlewing died and their only son Milkkit soon followed. She was left distraught but has held on due to the clan bringing her a little kit who she named Magpiekit. She is fiercely protective of her son and is not afraid to stand up against the stares she tends to get, whether they be ones of suspiscion or pity.
Magpiekit [Magpielark]
Black tom with white markings and gray legs. He has brown eyes. He was formerly named Silky and was adopted by twolegs long before he should have left his mother. His cries were heard by a patrol and he was rescued and taken to Fennelsprout, who adopted him and renamed him to Magpiekit. He is very fond of the bell that the twolegs put around his neck, and likes to play with it and anything else that is shiny.
Gray speckled she-cat with white paws, chest and tail-tip. She has blue eyes. She is a more recent elder but has settled into the role quite nicely. She tends to be a bit grumpy and is always itching, but she will always join in with Ashrain's stories, filling in any details the older she-cat has forgotten. She is nice to those who are nice to her, and hates pity.
Pale gray she-cat with darker rosetted markings and a lighter chest and front legs. She has amber eyes. She is the oldest cat in the clan, the only one to remember leaders before Lilystar. She likes to tell stories, but in her age she is forgetting a lot of the details, which luckily Tumblefoot is able to fill in due to hearing the stories so many times. Her health isn't very good.

Fernnettle's kits are named Claykit (mask), -, -