
1 year, 10 months ago


Design by wolfycat_rpacc


Name- Echopaw

Past Name/Future Name- Echokit

Reason for name- Echo- Named after Hickoryfang, Paw- his rank

Age- 15 moons

Sexuality- Straight

Gender- Male

Pronouns- he/him

Personality- Formally a firecracker, Echopaw has became very stoic and non caring about most things. He will follow orders and do what is needed, but other then that he doesn’t care about much.

Background- He was born to his mother Sprucestripe in WaterfallClan. He was pretty happy go lucky, until he found out Hickoryfang wasn’t his real father. After this he became bitter towards his mother for lying to him and wonders what the reason for her and Waspfrost splitting up was, of course no one will tell. Now a warrior, he is stoic and larger like his biological dad.


Rank- Warrior

Mentor- Waspfrost 



Kin- Waspfrost (bio father) Sprucestripe (mother), Hickoryfang (step dad), Cresentmoon (step mom) Pebblewish (sister), Orchidkit, Elmkit, Willowkit (step siblings)

Mate- “I’m too busy for a mate. If I want one I want them to be true. Unlike some cats-“

Eye Catcher- Open for development

Kits- None 

Extra Info- He is bigger then the average cat his age

- The scar on his side is from a hawk attack.