Ignatius "Iggy" Arquette



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info






520 lbs

Middle Name



Arquette is a private investigator in 1986 New Orleans. Preferring the subtle art of social manipulation to get his information, Arquette is so much a master in anticipating and orchestrating others' feelings and actions that most never even realize he has played them like fiddles. The only thing truly private about his occupation is that he doesn’t advertise it - rather, he keeps his ear to the ground and only approaches his “clients” when absolutely necessary.

Arquette finds computer and other technology of great use in investigations, and is personally fascinated with gadgets he deems to have potential.

He is very self-assured and extremely smart, but not in a cocky way. A few blessings allow Iggy to naturally put others at ease: his low, steady, smooth, mellifluous accent, his seeming inability to be phased or flustered, and his good taste and wealth. It doesn't hurt that people tend to be unsuspecting of an easygoing, jovial fat man. 

Though Arquette has many acquaintances and connections, few people are truly close to him - something he may have fooled even himself into believing he prefers, but which actually deeply troubles him. He is known for being very generous and kind with his money and assets which also contributes to his being well-liked. 

Physically, Arquette is formidable without being imposing. His presence invokes a sense of awe and respect. Strong and hardy, one gets the impression that it would be difficult to find a way around him if there was somewhere he didn't want you to go - both because of his stature and his uncanny skills of persuasion.

People tend to refer to him as 'Arquette' or 'Mr. Arquette’.

Arquette lives in a decently sized, two story, lodge-like estate, a result of the family's former success in the fur trade. Horseshoe-shaped, it surrounds a dense (though carefully orchestrated) garden that is a favorite spot of stray cats. Strangely, not much is notable about the house from the outside, other than its size. The inside is also surprisingly modest: plain wood, low light, faintly dusty and musty, sparingly furnished, but distinctly welcoming. Though most of the house is tidy and well-tended, some upstairs rooms seem off-limits - even to Ignatius himself.

Another quirk, given his otherwise ostentatious presentation, is that Iggy rarely partakes in "vices" such as tobacco and alcohol. When he does, it is in private or in the very best company, typically in celebration - with paraphernalia of the highest quality.


Iggy loves to read. His favorites are non-fiction on historical events and crimes, and mystery fiction, but he reads anything he can get his hands on. Secretly, he enjoys the occasional harlequin romance. When at home, a glasses chain keeps his reading glasses nearby.

Cooking is another of Iggy’s hobbies. He tends to cook single-pot dishes in enormous batches, which he can be found sharing somewhere in town at least once a week. Chili, jambalaya, goulash, etouffee, and cornbread are some of his favorite recipes. Though he loves cooking, he is less skilled at baking and making sweets - a tragedy considering how fond he is of them.

Iggy also loves music. He is a decent piano, accordion, and banjo player. Jazz, big band, blues, rock & roll, and early 20th century oldies are his favorites to play and listen to. Making appearances at many public events, he is not a bad dancer either. It’s very rare that he sings as he is, as he would tell you, not much of a singer, so he prefers to play songs without lyrics or have accompaniment when playing in front of others.

Iggy might also be found watching TV (he enjoys mysteries and sitcoms), scouting for antiques or other trinkets with interesting histories, fiddling with or researching gadgets, or strolling through town (he particularly enjoys waterfront walks). 


Arquette prefers formal clothes such as suits, jackets, dress shirts and dress pants, belts, vests, suspenders, jumpsuits, cardigans, pleated and pencil skirts, long coats, and flowy, loose-fitting tops. This predilection holds true even for his loungewear, which consists of robes, button-up pajamas, and nightshirts. He likes to dress in cool colors and earth tones in solid colors or simple patterns - though he is fond of complex embroidery. He pays no attention to whether clothing is considered ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ - he is just concerned with whether it looks good on him. 

When it comes to fashion, Iggy's main considerations are being comfortable and giving the impression of a respectable, put-together, fashionable person - which, at his size, are statements in and of themselves. He has no qualms with spending money for clothes and alterations to this end (apart from that he often has no choice but to do so). He keeps the means for minor alterations at home.

Iggy loves to dress up in the everyday sense, as well as in a more fanciful sense. When attending an event where costumes are appropriate - even vaguely - you can bet that Iggy’s will be among the best in show. He has an impressive collection of elaborate costume pieces, parts of which are on indefinite loan to local theatre groups. The looks of delight and surprise on others' faces amuses him to no end. (A boisterous costume is not a bad method for taking people off their guard either - especially when playing up a personality to match.)

No matter the occasion (or lack of one), you’ll take note of Iggy - if not for his physicality or personality, then certainly for his dress.


Iggy collects books, records, rings, antiques, costumes, and technological gizmos.

Notes on drawing him/his looks:

  • his eyebrows don't go different directions; that is, they mirror each other
  • his upper row of teeth is rarely seen
  • He has rosacea on his cheeks (both pairs)
  • He doesn’t have gauges, just large pierced detached earlobes