Name: Felonious Goetia

Age: 100 


Felonious is part of the biggest royal family in hell he is not spoken of often by his family because of the things he's done but his big brother Stolas loves him. He has been through alot starting when his father abused him in a lab trying to figure out his power and the best way to use him. He has always strived to be like his big brother but it seems like everytime he gets 2 steps forward he's pushed 5 steps back tho that has never stopped him. He loves chaos and destruction but he's a nice guy to the ones he loves. His best friend is blitzø and has a similar relationship with an imp. He also really loves verosika mayday and hopes he can meet her one day! He is usually in the lust ring vibing you can usually find him at Ozzie's getting a few drinks with his friends and Ozzie himself.

Oooh! I love this story!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with them! Sending em over! :-)

Thank you so much! And I promise I won't disappoint 😊

Yw! And I’m sure you won’t! I’m happy they went to a good home! 

Such a pretty design

They are an ice owl that has been through much pain and hurt by many people because of its looks they have been captured and sold to scientists which have attempted to dissect them to figure out it's anatomy but was able to escape before too much was done and they patched themself up and sit out to find a place to call home every now and then it will come across and adventure that tries to to kill it or capture it to make money off of it which is why it has more scars

Love the design!

Name: unknown

Story: a griffin that escaped capture, this creature is very cocky, but quite sweet. They can have sass whenever necessary. Doesnt trust humans because they are the reason for their capture. They have the ability to grow the chains and manipulate them. They have a fasciation for shiny items and crystals.