Mori Harper



1 year, 9 months ago


= Name =
Harper Mori

÷ Nicknames ÷
Mori-Chan, Harp, Harpy, Camera Girl, Owl

+ Occupations +
UA Support Course Student, 1st Year

× Pronouns ×

/ Age \

. Status .
Unlicensed, Alive

- Photoshoot Memory -
Mori is able to take photos with her eyes, as they act as camera lenses. She can zoom in, focus, and take even print the photos from a small slit opening above her chest (just over her collarbone). She is able to revisit photos in her mental gallery to the moment she had taken them, down to every minute detail- even ones she hadn't noticed before. She needs to focus to revisit these scenes, however. She may force others into her focus dreams with her if she bites them.

- Ambitions -
Mori wishes to graduate with a license for gear and quirk usage. With these licenses, she can open a quirk-friendly detective agency.

~ Physical Description ~
Harper Mori is somewhat short for her age, just barely reaching 5"4'. Her soft face is framed by a fluffy mess of ginger and white hair that flows in unpredictable angles and points. Her tailbone extends into an actual tail, matching the same color and texture as her hair, except a little softer and more fur-like. The tail has a mouth, which does not connect to the stomach, but has a strong jaw strength and mock tongue. Often times, she will be seen wearing raised goggles to hold back the hair from covering her eyes. The goggles appear to have leather bands, but very clear lenses. Her round eyes are naturally brown, but after manifesting her quirk they gained a purple tint and pattern that resemble camera lenses, absorbing light to make her pupils appear darker. Some view her eyes as creepy, while others seem not to even notice that they resemble hidden cameras. A few freckles dot her cheeks, however are hardly even noticeable unless she stands out in the sunlight for long enough. To the sides of her head, just behind her ears are three giant feather-like tufts of hair that give her a slight resemblance to an owl. Harper's skin is lightly tanned, and resembles her latina mother's skin tone.

∆ Backstory ∆
Mori grew up in a home with two fathers. Her Dad had divorced her Mom and got married to her Father when she was young, so she hardly remembers her mother at all. She has nothing against her Dad, as she loves both him and her Father. In fact, she had assumed every household was the same as hers until going to school and learning about everyone else's families.

Once her quirk manifested, her parents taught her about responsible quirk usage, as well as allowing her to visit her uncle on some weekends– his quirk is similar in nature, therefore he could teach her how to use her own.

Her Uncle runs a detective agency, which is where she was exposed to mysteries as a whole. The concept of finding the single truth to something that was unknown to many other people had her hooked, so she started solving puzzles, watching mystery shows, and working harder in school until she graduated to Highschool. Harper had gotten accepted into UA's support course, and was ready to make her dream of opening a quirk-friendly detective office a reality in the neat future!