Eliza Gildas Gaspard



1 year, 10 months ago


Eliza is Lonato's biological daughter.  She is the younger sister to Christoph and Ashe's older adopted sister.

Pre-TimeSkip she is 20
Post-TimeSkip she is 25

Member of the Blue Lion House


S/O: Sylvain: (But given 3 Houses alternate paths ships with other characters are possible)
Eliza would at first avoid Sylvain due to the unsavory rumors that followed him and would get flustered by his flirting.  But as the school year went on,  they found they worked well together and started to hang out outside of class.  Eliza could eventually sees through Sylvain's persona and hopes to get to know the real him

She is very close to Ashe given that they are siblings and being the older one of the two she is protective and does her best to look out for him

Is good friends with Mercedes and Annette and will be seen studying or doing chores together.  She and Mercedes work hard together to study Faith Magic

Likes to hang out with Dedue at times, they don't talk much but they enjoy each others presence

Is usually very awkward around Dimitri, doesn't quite know how to interact with him but will interact with him if he's the one to initiate conversation

Is not that close to Felix or Ingrid.  Felix intimidates her and doesn't like how serious Ingrid is all the time

Relationships Outside the Blue Lion House:

Knows Yuri from when he was in House Rowe, she used to have a crush on  him and Yuri loves to make fun of and embarrass her for it

She and Hapi can be seen together at times.  They bond over their trauma caused by the church.  Hapi is curious on how Eliza is still a follower of the Teachings of Seiros despite what the church has done to her family

She greatly admires Dorothea and looks up to her.  If they were in the same house they'd be very close friends