★ Ranik (Ranik - Human)




Weight: 130 lbs.

Height: 5'9"


Ranik is shy towards strangers, especially humans. Most humans don't know that he is a Kaiju, although he doesn't outright hide it, he finds it best to be left out for any hostile humans. He is very caring towards people and animals, he is the definition of 'Gentle Giant.' Ranik is curious, but stays out of trouble when possible. He isn't afraid to fight other Kaiju to protect innocent people. At times when he knowingly saves a life, he can be a bit cocky. Ranik changes his attitude a bit as a human, he is louder and volunteers for tasks around human camps.


Ranik is considered to be beautiful among humans and Kaiju because of his bright blue colors. In fact, it is pointed out by humans that is could be a lure to hide his true intentions. Ranik is aware of his appearance, but he doesn't pay it much mind. While in his human form Ranik wears a jacket with fur around the neck and usual jeans. His eyes stay the same red color, which is unusual for humans. 


Ranik can venomous barbs at the end of his tail feathers. This venom causes hallucinations, paralysis and extreme pain for hours. He can also project a heated kind of spit from his mouth, while not acidic, it has a burning sensation. He also possess sharp teeth and claws.


Human civilization has been demolished by intelligent giants. The giants took over populated areas and forced humans to work. Humans succumbed to sickness and were over-worked. Surviving humans formed camps and resistances to avoid Kaiju. Kaiju speak all kinds of languages and are extremely capable in battle. Some Kaiju are cold-hearted mob bosses, while others just seek to survive. There are few Kaiju who value human lives and even fewer that have formed friendships with humans.


Ranik was hunted by his father before his birth. When he was born his mother hid him as a human, hoping he wouldn't be noticed.  However a small family found him had no clue he was a Kaiju and took him in. Ranik grew up with his small family consisting of 2 other kids and a mother and father. When he was 14 his Kaiju blood began to run rampant as he became sick and in pain. The last stages of this sickness were the effects of his kaiju body not being used and it was affecting his human form. He couldn't keep fighting the pain back and his family and himself found out about his real identity. Terrified, they left in panic although Ranik doesn't blame them for anything. After, Ranik roamed hoping to find another camp to stay in. While walking along a road two people, an older man and a younger girl picked him up. Ranik kept his secret for a couple of days before he decided he could trust this pair, and the fact that he was growing closer to the girl named, Julie. When he told her about his past and what he really was, she pulled a gun on him. He took a second to explain his situation, while Julie lowered her gun after hearing him out, she didn't fully trust him. They kept this hidden from the older man, David. Only days later, they stumbled upon a village taken over by a Kaiju using people to work for him. They hid in a nearby pass hoping the Kaiju wouldn't hear the car engine. The creature did and investigated their hiding spot. Ranik fought off the Kaiju, taking his true form. He cut the enemy with his barbed feathers and injected venom into him. The Kaiju fled while Ranik was forced to heal from serious injuries along his arms and chest. After saving the camp and healing, Ranik was accepted to join the pair the rest of the way to a city overrun by Kaiju and a resistance hidden around the pier.