Calypso ($45)



1 year, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade


I bought her a while back but then I kinda realized I didn't have very many ideas of what to do with her and the design wasn't really jiving that much. I wanna give her to someone who CAN use her for something.

I bought her for $45 USD originally.
I will also CONSIDER (Keyword: Consider) characters. Most likely ONLY if they're something on my main wishlist (and like, SPECIFICALLY the LOVE catagory because again, since she so pricey if I WAS to get something for her that isn't money, I would want it to be something that I REALLY, REALLY want.).

I will also take certain items from Furcadia. Specifically the alt Kenn, a Chimera (Lifer), or Bat Wings (Lifer).