Ekpyrosis's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

KyleesBasement Global Rules


1 -Don't resell for profit

2 -Commercially, you can ONLY use it for merch (posters, mugs, plushes etc...). If you wish to use the design for a comic, video game, etc, please contact me to discuss it (for projects of more than 50 000$ of yearly income, under that you can do it without asking me.)

3 -Credit me for the og design , at least the first time you post it (KyleesBasement)

You can redesign freely as long as you still credit for the og design and don't edit the original art!

4 - Do not ever trade / resell any of my designs to the people featuring in my blacklist. Blacklisted people can't redesign, sell, use designs for commercial purposes or trade. The design becomes "voided". If you trade to a blacklisted person, you will be blacklisted yourself. Blacklist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ns-E96TkwTq_NGPNDi2Gzh-EsYjAESiD6_uELB0bgic/edit?usp=sharing

5- NO NFTs allowed

6- As it's stated in my art TOS, DO NOT trace my art or heavily reference it (Tho of course you can reference a design you bought, but no tracing still)

Failure to respect the TOS rules 1, 2 and 5 might result in me taking legal actions against you.