Professor Isaac Braxton



1 year, 9 months ago


The design for Isaac was commissioned from theonixie. Thanks again! <3
Isaac quick info
-Species: Humanoid (with body parts from varying animals and plants)
-Gender: Male (he/him or they/them)
-Occupation(s): Mad scientist
-Personality: Crazy and mysterious
-Birthday: June 15th
-Age: late 30s
-Height: 5'10"/177 cm
-Weight: 160 lbs/72.57 kg

Guide to each of Isaac's body parts:
-Head - snake
-Torso - cactus
-Stage left/right arm - purple tentacle
-Stage right/left arm - crab claw
-Stage left/right leg - plant leg covered in vines and poison ivy
-Stage right/left leg - yellow frog leg
-Tail - blue dragon tail

As a mad scientist, Isaac has been doing lots of crazy experiments of varying things such as cloning objects or creating monstrous living beings using mundane items.
One day, however, Isaac mistakenly drank the prototype for his "ever-transforming species" potion, which says whoever consumes it will change to varying flora and fauna in a set number of hours, thinking it was his glass of water.
Unfortunately, since the potion was in prototype stage, there is no known antidote. Now poor Isaac is going through the after effects as multiple parts of their body are replaced with multiple animal and plant parts as Isaac has to reverse-engineer the potion prototype from memory to create the cure and turn themselves back into a human... that is, if he can find the right ingredients for said antidote...

Additional info besides on what’s on the ref sheet:
-Isaac can sometimes go for days without sleep.
-Compared to his partner Scalpel, Isaac's cures to ailments are much more unorthodox and, sometimes, weird. (For example, for back aches Isaac would put slugs all over the patient's back and let them crawl on every part of their back. According to Isaac, the slime the slugs would leave behind and the texture of the slug’s undersides would help get rid of the aches thanks to some research.) Some of these cures do work, it's that Isaac has lost the notes in his lab for which ones have worked and which ones don't.