


9 years, 4 months ago






[joyful] female | 20yo
snowshoe hare | march 23
bisexual | single
bartender | kickboxing instructor
exotic dancer | freelance model


Jovie has always been a confident girl, so it was no surprise when she learned she could put that confidence to work and earn some money through it. Not only confident in her appearance, Jovie has also been confident in her sexuality, and i

n the nature of sexuality, and has never subscribed to the idea that a woman's body is a sacred thing that cannot be touched, or it's considered damaged goods. She's happy to flaunt her body and her charm, but doesn't use it to manipulate others.

She's always been very into athleticism and likes to feel strong--the idea that women are weak has always been something Jovie sought to challenge and she's always worked hard to work against it. Likewise, she isn't fond of the idea that femininity and strength can't go hand in hand, and tries to live in both worlds as best and as often as she can.


When Jovie was sixteen, she used a fake ID to get a job as an exotic dancer--a job which she enjoyed and found very lucrative. While she certainly felt like some men tried to demean her, she didn't feel like that was the case all the time and even found the job a bit empowering in most cases. In many cases, the other girls' dances were more about emasculating themselves and making them out to be weaker, Jovie always did her best to maintain a powerful stance with the crowd, and themed her dances around strength and how attractive power can be. After some time working at the club, her age was discovered and she was let go.

When she did come of age, her old club wouldn't rehire her, but she found a new job at a different club, and she's learned to take of pole-dancing as well. While she certainly enjoys the work-out of pole-dancing, she's also taken up kick-boxing, progressing to the point where she now teaches kick-boxing classes at her local gym. She also works as a freelance model when she has time, but isn't as interested in modeling as she is in being a dancer.

After Jovie reconnects with her father, she takes another job as a bartender at his bar, working there on off-nights from the club.