Kang In-su



1 year, 8 months ago


An impulsive and newly turned vampire. Really just making the most of his undeath and enjoying it to the fullest. In-su doesn't care about appearances or hiding, keeping out of harms way only by travelling frequently from place to place.

He is a very messy and voracious eater, as he doesn't bother to control his superhuman strength and isn't very efficient because of it. Especially likes large cities as the hunting is plentiful and the perches high. Doesn't suck blood so much as he rips people apart and drinks what he can, fangs are designed for causing gouge wounds.

His sire is unknown, even to In-su, and other vampires have difficulty dealing with him because of this, as he can't be forced to do anything against his will. Hasn't made anyone else a vampire as he has eviscerated all his victims so far.

Vampiric Weaknesses:


-Dangsan-namu wood

-Congealed blood from long dead corpses is poisonous and can work similar to a powerful tranquilizer

Vampiric Abilities:



-Mild body transformation, clawed hands and increased musculature when desired

-Heightened senses

-Incredibly hard to kill, would have to dismember and seal each piece with Dangsan-namu wood embedded in the flesh 

-Will regenerate regardless of damage to pieces, including decapitation or staking, as long as there's blood to absorb

Other things

-Can't digest any other blood other than human

-Has to eat someone bi-monthly

-Ends up buying a lot of button down shirts and leather pants, easy to replace or clean.

-Takes whatever effects are on his victims to pawn or buy things