Roken Hidara



1 year, 8 months ago


Roken is an experiment involving a dragon soul grafted onto his own. These specialized soldiers were developed as a counter method to a large-scale war with a vastly advantaged but human-like species in Roken’s world. The dragon whose soul was grafted with Roken’s wants to live again. It gives Roken remedial abilities to ensure both his and its own survival and to gradually convert Roken’s body into one suitable for its new life. Roken spent more than a decade trying to escape the facility he was kept in but eventually succeeded and earned his freedom, where he sets off to avoid recapture and reclaim a normal existence.

Roken is normally cheerful person, he finds joy in the little things and cherishes his freedom above all else. He has little social skills and quite naïve about general customs but eager to learn what he can to fit in. He doesn’t see himself as a violent person, however due to his zero-tolerance policy and deep-routed fear of recapture, his physical abilities feed directly into his desire for complete autonomy. He is terrified of isolation and wants a normal life but remains hopeful he can achieve his goals and is deserving of such things.

Quick Facts:

-upon re-discovering pastries, candy, chocolate and the like, developed a gigantic sweet-tooth

-has semi-unconscious hoarding tendencies, horribly embarrassed about this

-doesn’t like horses, they are usually afraid of him