Kykoh ❀



1 year, 9 months ago


NameKykoh Fevret
BirthdayDecember 28th, 2031

PartnerN/A (Crush on Auggie)
StatusAlive; Auggie's Main General


Kykoh was born to two former students at the Academy that were fused with siberian huskies. As they opted to go without the cure having grown accustomed to their new features and identity, Kykoh was less sure about it when he grew older and started growing these features. He shied away from the attention, unsure of how to handle it and also disliked some of the bullying that came from it. For validation and to seek out someone who could understand his struggles and one who defended him, he met the son of other former students (Niccolo and Morgan). Auggie was what he thought he wanted and tried to emulate him to the best of his own abilities, grasping onto what he could of the boy worried he'd be left to fight on his own and would be without his sense of validation and security. This is why he's unsure of the fact Auggie doesn't care for him, not at least in the same way. Or if he does know, he makes himself ignorant out of insecurity. 

Kykoh clung onto Auggie more when his own parents rose into more positions of authority, authority that threatened Kiemo in his own mind and they were ordered to be assassinated. Kykoh, who was about 16ish at the time found himself furious when he learned of it and struggled with the news, wanting to make sure he did something about the danger of whomever did it and he'd have to now find close connections again having just Auggie remaining. Kykoh didn't want to watch more people die and thought he could help, using the cause to distract himself and pursue more of the love he now found missing. He worked tirelessly to train himself and learn what he could to advance himself and the war efforts. He never stopped trying to get validation from Auggie alone, never considering the opinions of anyone else considering their history and who Kykoh thought he was to him and to others. Self-importance is his coping mechanism and his biggest lie.

When Auggie's own father, Morgan, was killed by Kiemo himself, Kykoh was sent into another spiral, the boy was reminded of what happened those years ago and he pushed himself further. During Auggie's vacation away from everything, Kykoh traveled to find him during a storm (according to Kykoh anyway), and tried to persuade him to continue the effort. He was successful in his attempts and wanting to prove himself and take control of a situation while doing what he thought was stress reduction for Auggie, he arranged everything for new recruits, eyeing them suspiciously and always expecting a backstabber. Kykoh doesn't take chances often when it comes to people and trusting them. On the flipside, in battle, he's extremely impulsive and reactive, not believing in inaction because that gets others killed..

While Kykoh is often of one mind, he has a tendency on the battlefield to want to help civilians and will get frustrated should he have to risk any civilian lives. He has, on occasion, stayed up for days trying to think of strategies that won't harm any of them. These ideas aren't realistic and he knows that but it only makes his dissonance worse. Kykoh also has a tendency to function more as Auggie's PR, having a pretty good idea how to win over certain crowds with his more extroverted side and tendency to be involved heavily in the communities he works beneath.


  • He has a tendency to daydream and is embarrassed by this because of his attempts to keep a stoic, serious persona