Dominic Morningstar



1 year, 9 months ago



Dominic gets taken by Diablo who is a descendent of devils and is currently trying to make false devils with the help of Nicolas which who was a scientist at the time but is no longer working for him. he was known for being very cruel to Dominic and almost borderline killing him. how Diablo went about creating these false devils was by taking his pure blood and slowly putting it into Dominic, he puts him through training to adjust but to also see if he gain the abilities of devils as well. The tests go quite smoothly and he adapts very well, but eventually Dominic wants to go out instead of being stuck in the training room constantly so Diablo gives the option to give him the course of puppeteers which is essentially a group of people who do like petty work for Diablo such like raising demon dogs in the human world.  the reason why they’re called puppeteers is because they use strings from their fingers to control people and do what they want (think of the exorcist and doflamingo)
He joins him and succeeds very well in the course and eventually becomes the main leader of the group, later on he learns that halfway during Nicholas’s work he died suddenly and has gotten replaced by any scientist called nine, Dominic prefers him greatly since he is a lot more kind to him than Nicolas ever was (and doesn’t beat him for no reason, sees him as a father figure).
Dominic now usually goes to nine if he ever needs help or is hurt or anything like that. he meets a creation of nine who is called CB but just cause of Bailey for less confusion, he’s actually a puppet but acts just like any human would, but just more curious like a kid.
Diablo notices that he is getting more friendlier with nine in CB and is not taking a liking to that, so Diablo puts Dominic onto more missions and getting him more busy  pushing him to more on his side; brainwashing him to think that everything Diablos doing is for a good reason and it isn’t hurting anyone. Dominic is skeptical at first and does confront Diablo resulting into a big fight though is ultimately defeated by him and  brainwashed into thinking he is correct (gaslighting 101). eventually is distancing himself from everyone else and later on does become what Diablo sought to create him which is the new ruler of hell.