Fuyuko Komine



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Fuyuko Komine


Woman (Evil)


Bisexual (Evil)






October 28

Place of Birth






Languages Spoken

Japanese, English, Spanish, French, Mandarin


Neutral Evil







A natural-born leader. She embodies the gifts of charisma and confidence, and projects authority in a way that can draw crowds together behind a common goal. However, she also exhibits an often ruthless level of rationality, using her drive, determination and sharp mind to achieve anything she damn well pleases. 

If there’s anything she loves, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and she firmly believes that given enough time and resources, she can achieve any goal. Her ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of her plans with determination and precision make her a powerful foe to face. Her distance from her emotions is public, and felt directly by a much broader swath of people. Especially in a professional environment, she will simply crush the sensitivities of those she views as inefficient, incompetent or lazy. To Fuyuko, emotional displays are displays of weakness. 

With this personality alongside her ability, she’s a true powerhouse.  She cultivates an image of being larger than life – and often enough she is.


Fuyuko is a tall young woman standing at a height of 5’10.  Her build is lean and lithe, making for well disguised muscle. She is well built, made from years of physical testing done in her youth. She has no tattoos, scars, or piercings as all attempts to apply these would inevitably be healed over and removed by her ability.  

She has mid-length light blue hair, typically kept up in a low ponytail. Her hair is straight, and cut bluntly. Her eyes are blue as well, and one will be keen to note her perfect vision. Her eyes are lidded, often described as sleepy. When not monologuing about villainy, they tend to have a very welcoming face. She has impeccable bedside manner, offering an extremely comforting presence to those who need it most, only to rip the rug out from under them.

She is most often found working in the medical field in one way or another. She’s been known to walk around in the scrubs of a surgeon, a general physician, and many other professions in the medical field. Her most favored position is nurse, and that is the uniform she is most often seen in. 

When wearing civilian clothing, she favors a black turtleneck with a pair of khaki pants. She also tends to wear a black belt, along with black suede ankle boots. 

Ability: Lazarus

Healing taken to its logical extreme. The Healer can still feel pain and can still be hurt, they are simply able to heal faster than the damage they receive. In most situations, this is a boon. In others, such as an ongoing fire, acid, freezing, or in situations of radiation, there is nothing but perpetual suffering with no escape, since all damage is healed instantly with no change to the circumstances causing that damage. Consuming the blood of The Healer heals all wounds nearly instantly, but comes at a cost. Every person healed with the blood of the healer becomes part of The Healer's "body", and takes the same damage as the original body, but does not have the same ability to heal itself. Receiving a blood transfusion near-permanently adds the recipient to The Healer’s “body”, and imbues them with accelerated healing, allowing them to survive at least a few deaths. 

The Healer’s ability to join others with their “body” can quickly become a problem, due to their uncanny natural charm allowing them to fit in easily with others. They have an extensive history in the medical field allowing them access to vulnerable persons under duress, easily striking deals with desperate individuals in order to achieve her means. Originally, this ability was meant to be used on battlefields, allowing The Healer to infiltrate enemy lines without having to worry about taking damage. Then, it was refitted to be used to heal individuals suffering from chronic conditions due to its uncanny ability to heal anything. This too, was shot down due to lack of profit. 

According to testing records, The Healer’s main weakness seems to be situations that cause perpetual damage. Such things The Healer struggled to muscle through included: a house fire, a tub of acid, extreme cold, extreme heat, extreme radiation, and being drowned. All situations were tested repeatedly to learn if The Healer’s ability could learn to adapt to these situations. While studies show that the body adapted exponentially quicker to each test, the psychological damage of these tests proved to draw back The Healer’s response time to these stimuli. In short, the body is willing but the mind is weak. 

The most evident of these drawbacks include an incident in which The Healer was held in a sealed water tank for 178 hours. Kept in a state of perpetual drowning, The Healer went through a cycle of struggle and succumbent. Their body would panic, struggling to escape the water tank and breathe oxygen, only for the mind to accept that there was no escape, giving up entirely. The possibility of survival in space was mulled around following this incident, but The Healer disappeared from the testing site shortly after the drowning test was completed. She has yet to be located and recaptured.

What's Her History?:

Growing up in the scenic village of Karuizawa at the foot of an active volcano, Fuyuko grew up to appreciate the finer things in life. Since Karuizawa is a resort town, she grew up in the hospitality business, learning customer service from the best of the best. She learned her interpersonal skills here, in her youth, among the many tourists and fellow employees of the mountainous resort. She was always well known for her good health, often avoiding any ailments that affected her peers. She’s had a lifelong interest in the medical field and all things associated, attending classes occasionally at the nearest university when time allowed. 

Upon moving to Academy City, she developed the ability Lazarus, described in the ability section. When gaining such an interesting ability, and a class 4 at that, testing was not only expected but required. After going through many trials, Fuyuko disappeared from the testing site. She was not spotted anywhere in Academy City either, leading to a follow up investigation. This investigation led to nothing but dead ends, and subsequently went cold. 

Five years after her disappearance, an entire town was found dead overnight. The three survivors of the incident described the deaths as spontaneous and simultaneous, all occurring in the exact same way as each other. Each body was found with severe third degree burns. Each of these burns were identical, down to the placement, scattering, and patterns. The survivors stated that none of the victims were actually on fire upon their deaths, ruling out spontaneous combustion. What is most concerning is that all of these victims died at the exact same time, in the exact same way, with not a thing causing it. Later investigations found that there had been an infection of blood in the well that the town had used for their water supply. Unfortunately, there was not enough left remaining to test properly, leaving the culprit a mystery. 

A string of strange murders then began to haunt Academy City over the next six years after that towns decimation, leading to several high ranking individuals meeting their untimely ends. Investigation once again revealed either contamination of favored foods, drinks, or cigarettes. There was quite a number of collateral damage, given that many other individuals also died due to this contamination and simultaneous death. All high ranking individuals, however, were connected by their involvement with the testing of Fuyuko Komine’s ability. After connecting these simultaneous deaths with the immolation of an entire town six years prior, it was finally realized Fuyuko’s full involvement in these incidents. 

Strangely, no action has been taken on Fuyuko as of yet. Supposedly, she struck a deal with someone in exchange for their life, and offered them something else they couldn’t possibly refuse. Rumor has it that she’s cracked the code on activating these abilities in an entirely new way. Something about changing pieces of the brain, something about activating things in ways previously unknown. 

Fuyuko returned to Academy City with not so much as a scratch on her. 

And shortly after her arrival, Level Zero’s began going missing. 

Ah, but that’s surely just a coincidence. 

That is, until four of them come back alive. . .