Venus Hewitt



6 years, 4 months ago


Slobby, careless and unwilling to put any effort into anything that doesn't benefit her, Venus can be a bit of a butt. Her life revolves around eating, sleeping and playing games, with little time for anything else. What she truly excels at though, is tracking down information, be it digital or undocumented, and selling whatever she finds to the highest bidder. It's no wonder she has started to build a name for herself, but life isn't that easy... The world around Venus is changing --- Paradisna is shutting down, augmentations are acting up, and supposedly something is attempting to contact Earth...

- Venus is one of the first kids of the “pod batches”. She’s a designer baby made in an artificial womb, mostly because her parents met all the requirements and had the money to do so. Thanks to this, Venus has never suffered from acne, her metabolism prevents her from becoming overweight, her immunsystem is a fortress and she’s otherwise considered as perfect as a human being can be. Pod children are still being heavily observed and regulated as there’s still little longterm data available about possible consequences of the process. but so far everything points towards it being 100% safe.

- Venus grew up in Paradisna City: a city built upon the old remains of North Korea not long the near breakout of WW3. The city itself began its' life as a happiness experiment and a place for human studies, be them biological or social. Ever seen those futuristic building documentaries with all the huge glass windows, pristine design, lots of controlled green and clean energy mumbo jumbo? Venus grew up on that, and to top it all off — Paradisna provides for all its’ citizens their needs, and not just the minimum. The homeless and hungry don’t exist there, and around 18% of the population aren’t even in the workforce, and are instead living on special cards that give them free access to a certain amount of food while out shopping + a small allowance to let them do something nice at least once or twice a week. This whole “the city gives” concept doesn’t exist outside of Paradisna however, so you can imagine what a shock it can be for people who travel outside of their little bubble. Your life inside the city though is heavily regulated, under constant surveillance and you do have to follow certain routines to keep up your privileges and have the right to live there. Venus would have been cast out by now if she wasn’t decent at her job and didn’t have a background as a pod baby.

- Venus’ favorite food is shrimp curry.

- Venus genuinely doesn’t care for clothes, and mostly waltzes around in her underwear at home. The best she can do is put on some yoga pants and a sports bra if she has to go outside. If Venus is wearing real people clothes, she’s probably being forced into it. She honestly doesn't feel any shame about her body, and thinks it rude to pretend otherwise.

- Venus is highly allergic to cats.

- Her favorite color is orange.

- She’s not named after the planet or goddess. Venus is named after a pop star her dad was a big fan of. 

- She has a bunch of other brothers and sisters: Mars, Pluto, Tera and Neptune are the ones she’s the closest with, with her siblings being named after the other band members that followed their dad's favorite pop star around. Venus is also the youngest out of the bunch, and the only one still in her 20s.

- Though augmentations like devices that lets your brain connect to the internet and bionic limbs are getting quite fancy, Venus ain’t a big fan of them and goes old school — tablets and screen contacted lenses. Venus likes it retro. 

- Venus once ate a whole cake by herself.