Sugar Glider



6 years, 4 months ago


About Sugar 

Sugar is a soft spoken mare just like her mother and sister.  Sugars greatest passion is flying. She has nearly mastered flight with agility and speed. Her quick moves make it seem as she were dancing in the air. Sugar has 3 young daughters named Triple truffle, Breezy Velvet, and Berry Glaze. Breezy spends most of her time learning from the best flier she knows, her mother.  

Sugars Hobbies

  • Sugar makes bows once in a while to give out to friends and family
  • Loves to help out others whenever she can 
  • Teaching ponies how to fly 
  • She also bakes a few treats here and there 

About Search and Rescue Team 

After sugar realized that there were ponies outside of the bubble she organized a team of ponies to search stranded ponies and bring them inside the bubble. 

The team has rescued over 75 ponies . On one of their missions sugar went to help out a team mate escape but that only caused her to look at the petrifying monster and she soon turned into stone. The team didnt notice that Sugar was left behind  until they were inside the bubble. Everyone assumed she was dead 

About Her Love Life

One day Blue was taking his sister to flight practice, as he got there he noticed a pale coated mare with stunning blue eyes and striking brilliant hair. She was cutting through the air with her graceful flight. From here on out he dropped by flight practice and gazed at Sugar and his sister. For a period of time Blueberry tried flying just as good as her but that was hopeless as he was just an average flier with basic flying skills and she seemed to have mastered them all. Even so he wanted to ameliorate his flight skills and he (WIP)

Connection With Mother and Sister 

Sugar loves her mother and sister a lot she visits them quite frequently whenever she is given the chance. She brings them gifts and food to the cottage. Sugar acts alot more gentle and quieter  and usual when she is with her mother and sister. When Meadow is gardening Sugar loves to talk with Meadow and  keep her updated with family news. Sometimes Meadow asks Sugar if she can borrow her daughters to spend time with them. 

Connection with Daughters 

Breezy Velvet

Sugar is a loving and understanding mother. When she realized her eldest daughter Breezy wanted to follow in her footsteps she started showing her little things she knew about flying,the search and rescue team, a few hobbies she had such as bow making,etc.  Sugar didn't have that many problems disciplining Breezy she would just explain why she shouldn't do whatever they did wrong and  then say "just remember to not do that again"

Triple Truffle

With Triple Truffle sugar had to be very careful  because Triple couldn't stay still. she would fly all over the place as a baby and would spill everything.  But as triple grew older she had an interest for helping and baking so every time Sugar made desserts she would ask Triple to pass her the ingredients. Triple was more than overjoyed to help her mother out 

Berry Glaze

With Berry Glaze, sugar was afraid that there could be something wrong with her. Berry rarely cried and didn't finish her food.  

Links to Ponies she talks with (click on the words) 

Blueberry (husband)


Breezy Velvet (daughter)

Berry Glaze (daughter) 

Triple Truffle (daughter)

Meadow Lark (sister)