


6 years, 5 months ago


Ever heard of the knocking girl creepy pasta? This demon works in the same way. 

She is very childish, and acts innocent. But her main sin is Gluttony. She adores eating, and stealing other people's voices as she eats them. Though sometimes she just kills them. However she is snake like in the fact that her jaw can unhinge to swallow someone whole despite her slender appearance. She does not seek knowledge but nor is she a straight out brute. She tends to be very childish and loves playing games and is super curious. Never acting her age. It is the WRONG thing to deny her an answer to a question. If she asks a question do not ignore her. Even if you give her a bullshit answer she will most likely leave you alone. Not answering or ignoring her, however, is the quickest way to annoy her or make her angry or vengeful. Or hungry. You don't want to trigger her demonic side. 

She adores playing the knocking game, and playing with people's minds. She has an older brother who teases the hell out of her, as well as a few half siblings. One of which is Raine, a being that is like both of her brothers combined but then not. She fascinates the young demon, and makes the childish one stalk her. Raine isn't aware at first who her sister is, who is stalking her, and what type of demon she is. All she knows is she has a half-sibling sister. So when they initially meet, Raine isn't aware they are sibling until she brings it up to Raine. The little demon is very possessive of Raine, and often takes care of the more lethal people after her older sister, but isn't aware at first said sister can't even protect herself well enough against 'minor' threats, as she is stuck in human form. 

Theme song:





Honestly she doesn't have one thing about her-- she can't simply be classed as this type of demon or that type of demon. She has multiple aspects to her that make up who she is. She is a water based demon though, having an alternate demon form within her water. In the water her skin takes on the consistancy/feel of goop, being liquid to sight/touch. If anyone touches her while she is in the water, they will stick to her unless she doesn't want them to stick, and she can drag them down into the depths and devour them.

Her jaw is like a snake, able to unhinge, while her teeth are like sharks. In the water she has multiple rows of teeth~

On land she is not as defenseless but tends to play a I based her upon the knocking girl creepy pasta. Knock or ring the bell three times. If you answer, she will either vanish off with you or devour you, stealing your voice. If you don't answer, she will continue trying to get at you unless otherwise deterred or distracted by other things. However she isn't as relentless, and can be distracted by normal food, as her cardinal sin is gluttony. She adores eating food, no matter if it is human food or human flesh.

Don't let her into your home unless she is human form. Answer any question she asks, even if it is just a bullshit answer. Don't get in the water with her.
Don't. Be. Alone. Around her.

Follow these rules and you will find she is a curious, inquisitive female. Harmless Cute She loves affection and being around others. Honestly. She is innocent. <3