
2 years, 1 month ago


About: Blair was born to the General of the Plains amry. His mother was a magic user that, unknown to everyone, was captured by the Royal Army when Blair wasn't even a year old. Because of this he never knew his mother, and his father barely ever talked about her; which Blair assumed was because she 'left' them. All he really knew about her was a basic description and that she was a power magic user; his father made sure that Blair knew there was a high chance he would have magic so he would know to never try and use it. If anyone saw him use magic the Emperor would most likely find out and force him to join the Royal Army, and if he rejected the idea of joining... he didn't even want to think about what would happen to him. Since Blair was stuck with his dad he ended up joining him at the main base of the Plains Army. The Plains Army was one of the more basic armies in the kingdom, but that meant it was also one of the larger ones due to more cats joining. For as long as Blair can remember he had been at the main base with his dad. He wasn't able to join in any of the training exercises until he was 12, which meant he had to find other things to do. Some days he got lucky and his dad wasn't busy which meant he got to hang out with him all day, but other days weren't as lucky. Sometimes Blair was stuck in his house with nothing to do, but he would usually get out and hang out in the cafeteria or courtyard; sometimes his father's friends would chip in to help look after him, teaching him to read and write and just hanging out with him. When Blair was around 8 his father let him start tagging along and helping him set up training exercises and do various other chores with him; Blair never complained about the amount of work or how hard it was, he was just happy to be with his dad and finally help out. After only a few months of helping out The General started giving Blair his easier chores to do on his own, which kept Blair bussy and gave The General time to pick up more important tasks that he usually couldn't get to. Over the years of Blair helping his dad he slowly accumulated more and more chores to do, he had no problem with this though, he loved staying bussy and having things to do. When he finally turned 12 he was able to join in on basic military training; since it was the lowest level of training it wasn't that bad compared to some of the stuff he had done with his dad. Sadly this meant he wasn't able to do as many chores for his dad, but The General didn't seem too bothered by that, he seemed to just be happy that his son was able to start his training.

About a year after he had joined the first training group a new trainee joined; this was nothing new, Blair was used to new recruits since in the Plains Army they got a lot of recruits who would get through basic training and then join another one of the various armies. But this new recruit was Blair's age, the new recruit's name was Kim. The two started talking during training and quickly became friends and caused trouble together, since Blair's father is the General they got off easy for most of the stuff they did but sometimes they would get a proper punishment. When Kim came along Blair started doing all of the same training exercises as the normal recruits, even sleeping in the barracks, but he was still never an official part of the army. After a year of the two being in training together it became obvious they were both too advanced for basic training and were upped to the Pre-Advanced training, which is where they stayed for the next couple years due to age restrictions for Advanced Training. But during one of their Pre-Advanced training exercises a mysterious cat rolled down a muddy hill right into their path, and a minefield. Since he is a bigger cat and not exactly agile Blair slid in the mud around the minefield and wasn't able to make it to the falling cat in time, but thankfully Kim was. Kim jumped over the mines and Blair and made it to the cat just in time, there was no time to talk in the moment but after they were finished Blair and Kim visited her in the Infirmary where they learned she was a winged cat and her name was Ira, neither of them had heard of winged cats outside of legend so they were shocked. They ended up showing her around, but soon after they realized that a group of cats were missing, the three of them plus Blair dad went looking for them, they found them surrounded by a group of terrorists; working together they were able to take down all the terrorists and save the trapped cats. The next morning Ira revealed to them she had decided to join the army. For the next couple years they all lived in what could be considered peace, minus the occasional terrorist attack. But one day the Royal Army started coming to the camp looking for Ira, the first couple times it happened they were able to hide her, but it soon became obvious they couldn't continue to live like this. Blair started talking to his father and Kim about an idea he had, they agreed it would be best, he then brought the idea to Ira and she agreed as well. About a month later the two of them left together, Blair knew Ira would most likely be able to fend on her own but he couldn't just let her leave alone. For the next year or so the two traveled through the mainland, visiting towns Ira had previously lived in. Since it was just the two of them they became even more close then they already were, and Ira ended up telling Blair what actually happened in the fire she said killed her family. She told him the Royal Army had burned the whole city to the ground, killing every single cat and winged in the city her and her brother barley made it out and then when they stopped to rest they were attacked by bears, since Ira and her brother were both badly injured by the fire her brother couldn't fight like usual. He was able to fight off the bears but didn't make it due to his wounds.

After traveling together for about a year they finally made it to a coastal town on the North West side of the mainland, they purchased a boat and made their way to a smaller island North West of the mainland. There they found a nice spot in the mountains and started building their own cabin, Blair built the frame and stacked logs for the walls, while Ira worked on the inside. They soon had their own nicely sized cabin and a pretty big farm with various foods growing. A few years after settling down Rana was born, a winged cat just like her mother; both Blair and Ira were thrilled for their daughter to have wings, but also worried about what would happen if the Royal Army found out. A little over a year later Aera was born, he had wings like his sister and mother but overall looked more like Blair. Blair and Ira worked hard to teach their kids everything they would need to know, they explained how they lived on an island away from the rest of the kingdom but never fully explained why until the two of them were a little older. When Rana was 5 Ira started teaching her to fly, she had originally wanted to teach her at 3 because she said that's when they learned where she was from, but the two were able to come to an agreement to wait a couple more years. Rana got the hang of flying quickly so her and Ira would go fly together everyday; this of course made Aera jealous but they had figured out pretty quickly Aera wouldn't be able to fly like Rana and Ira because his wings were too small for his body. So Blair had tons of time with Aera to teach him other things, he taught him little tricks he learned in the military and let Aera 'help' him farm. When the two were a couple years older Ira started teaching them the basics of magic. They had both been born with magic abilities that came easy to them, so for the first few lessons Ira focused on that; if they ever felt down about not being able to perfect something Blair would step in and join their lessons, which made the kids laugh at his weak magic. The next few years were probably the happiest in his life, Blair had a happy family, there was no conflict and they were able to live in peace. But everything changed quickly. Rana was 10 and Aera 9, they were all sleeping and Blair woke up to something outside, he rushed to a window and saw at least a dozen Royal Army soldiers heading up the path to their house. He woke up Ira and as the two panicked the kids woke up as well, Blair told them to stay inside and he and Ira rushed out to fight. They held their ground well for a while but they ended up getting cornered, Ira flew up and attacked them from the sky in order to let Blair escape, he was able to fight his way out and continued taking down soldiers, then he suddenly heard Ira scream, he suddenly was able to plow through all the soldiers in his way in order to make it to her, all his training when he was younger came to him, every single exercise, everything he had ever known. He demolished the soldiers and almost made it to Ira in time, but he was hit with a solid blast of magic and knocked over just long enough for a soldier about his size to grab his hind leg and cling to his side, the two fought like crazy and the soldier ripped up Blair's leg and side to the point he was dizzy from blood loss. But he finally got the soldier off of him and did his best to run to Ira on 3 legs but he was too late. He saw the few remaining soldiers dragging Ira away, he was about to go after her before seeing her shake her head, telling him to stay. He was able to stay conscious long enough to make sure him and his kids were safe. Next thing he knew he woke up a few days later in his bed, wrapped in a bunch of bandages with Aera and Rana at his side. The next year was hard, not only did Blair have to get used to walking without one of his hind legs, he also had to learn how to live without Ira, he had spent about 20 years with no one but Ira and recently their kids. But he had to stay strong for Rana and Aera, so he worked as hard as he could to keep his kids as happy as was possible without their mom. About 3 years after Ira was taken Rana came back home with a new friend, her name was Ayla. Rana and Aera soon became great friends with Ayla, who Blair agreed to let stay after hearing her story, and soon after that the 3 of them came back with a cat who they had found unconscious on the beach, her name was Arva. Blair was glad his kids had new friends, when they were all together it was the happiest any of them had been since Ira was taken. But not long after they all became close Aera came back in a panic with Rana unconscious, with the terrible news that Kaden had surprised them and killed Arva and Ayla and that Rana was badly wounded. Blair didn't know what to do, he had lost Ira and he had almost lost Rana, he was thankful Aera knew the healing he knew because he was able to keep Rana alive and heal most of her scars, but they soon found out Rana would never be able to fly again. The next few months were hard for everyone, but Rana started cheering up after finding out she could still fly a small amount and her magic came back. When the two asked Blair permission to go exploring on the mainland after thinking a little he allowed it. They soon left for their next adventure, and Blair was left on the island.
Cis Male
  • Blair was never an actual offical part of the army, but everyone viewed him as a soilder the whole time.
  • Ira tried teaching Blair how to use his magic when they first left together, but he was never able to get the hang of it and ended up using his own way.
  • Blair's magic is almost only earth based, he can sense movement and other things through the ground, sometimes it even hightens his strength.
  • After Ira was taken and Blair's leg was destoried he was eventually able to walk on it again for the most part, but it never felt right to him so he prefers to not use it at all.
Just A Man.
Jorge Rivera-Herrans.