
2 years, 1 month ago


Name Kado

Called Kado

Pronouns He/him

Age ≈20

Species Cat

Role Founder of the Kado Kingdom

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Kado was the first Emperor and founder of the Kado Kingdom. He grew up outside a small city on a farm, due to not actually living in the city he never really knew much about what was going on. When he was 10 his father died fighting in a small battle a few years before the war started, leaving Kado alone with only his mother. He then worked hard helping his mother farm and sell crops, he had very little free time but was still able to learn and teach himself new things. One day he had a little more free time than usual and decided to go exploring, which is when he found a mysterious cave in the forest with writing on the walls. He later learned how to read it and discovered that the writing was new spells and forms of magic. One day when exploring the cave he found a pendant radiating magic energy, so he took it. Over the next few years he became a very powerful magic user. One day on his way into the city Kado witnessed an attack where cats were blowing up buildings and starting fires, he jumped into action and using his magic defeated them, but the attacks didn't stop. A couple years later the city was bombed in the middle of the night, Kado took charge and fought off the attackers before making an announcement to the cats in the city, he told them they were no longer safe and needed to leave.

Using a ritual Kado made the ground rise up out of the ocean to make a path, after a little convincing he was able to lead the cats of the city away, to a place he promised they would all be safe. Some brought their belongings, food, farm animals, or crops, but some had nothing. They would walk all day, sometimes walking over 20 miles in a day, they would then set up camp for the night and sleep, then wake up and continue. After weeks of walking they finally made it to where Kado was leading them, it was an island so big it had many mountain ranges, redwood forests, and plains with room to spare. Kado had barely made it himself, he had overworked himself so much that the night they arrived he passed out and wasn't able to get up for a couple days. After having days of rest he decided he would make sure everyone was safe, he used a ritual that took everything he had, to create giant walls surrounding the area they had set up camp. Somehow he was able to keep going after the ritual, he helped everyone build houses, make farms, and get clean water over the next couple months. They soon figured out the quickest way for them to get food without having full fledged farms yet was to fish, which was their way of getting food for many months. After about a year of being at their new home everyone decided they needed a ruler, it wasn't a difficult decision for everyone to choose Kado. He then went on to lead and help the new Kado Kingdom flourish, during his time as ruler there were no wars, battles, starvation, or even plagues.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Like 1 Magic, he discovered magic and loves everything about it, even the dark parts.

Like 2 Knowledge. Ever since he was young Kado loved learning new things, and for his whole life he exposed himself to as much knowledge as possible.

Like 3 Family. When Kado was young all he had was his family, they were the most important thing to him.

Like 4 His People. During his time as Emperor and while leading the cats to saftey Kado grew to love all of his people and did everything he could to protect them.


Dislikes 1 The cats who attacked his village. When Kado was young a group started attacking his village and raiding it, they ended up being the reason Kado was forced to leave.

Dislikes 2 Magic Abusers. Kado believes that all magic is good and only the cats who use it for bad things are what make it bad.

Dislikes 3 Bullies. Growing up Kado was bullied a lot for having "weird interests" and has no tolerance for bullies.


Attack 95%
Defense 95%
Magic 100%
Resistance 89%
Agility 95%
Stamina 80%
Strategy 99%
Luck 45%


Magic The most obvious of Kado's strengths is magic, he spent his whole life learning about magic and dedicated almost the entirety of his early life to mastering it, but he always believed there was more to learn. In his prime Kado was so powerful that no one ever thought of invading the kingdom, there are even legends that talk about him controlling the entire sea.

Intelligence Only second to his magic abilities is Kado's intelligence. When he was young he found a cave with mysterious writing on the walls, he taught himself to read the writing and then was able to learn from it and use magic. During the couple years he fought to defend his city he was the best soldier they had. He was able to think up amazing strategies and execute most of them on his own. Once he created the Kado Kingdom he was able to arrange jobs and careers for everyone in a way that no one would ever go hungry, not have somewhere to live, or not be safe.

Physical Strength/Agility Although he almost never uses it, Kado's physical strength was nothing to ignore. Growing up needing to farm to make money Kado was always working hard and constantly. When he was really young his father used to play with him by teaching him fighting skills, which he never forgot; somedays in the years after his father's death he would even practice the skills in his freetime.

Loyalty/Commitment Kado was incredibly loyal to his family and kingdom. Growing up after his father's death Kado barely left his mother. He always made sure to work hard and never let her down, if he decided he would do something he wouldn't give up until it was finished. When he led the cats of the city to what would be Kado Kingdom he made sure that every one of them made it alive, he would even carry cats who could no longer walk. Once he was the leader of the kingdom he never backed down from a problem and till the day he died was the best Emperor the kingdom has ever seen.


Sense of Morality When it comes to magic Kado's morality is one of his worst flaws or best flaws. Many argue that Kado was evil, and consumed by greed which is why he used magic that is considered "dark" or "bad". Kado of course sees no problem with this type of magic, he understands what going too far would look like when using this magic, but he sees nothing wrong this expanding his knowledge of everything, which of course includes "dark" magic.

Curiosity This flaw was a bigger problem in Kado's younger years but he never really lost his curiosity. When he was young he could never help looking into something he heard about or investigating something odd. This got him into a couple predicaments with cats or other animals that one wouldn't want to mess with. As he got older the urge to look into things wasn't as strong, but every now and then he just couldn't help himself. Even as Emperor he was known to leave the castle sometimes completely unannounced.

Loyalty/Commitment Despite it being one of his biggest strengths, Kado's loyalty can also be one of his biggest flaws. His need to see everything through and always finish everything he starts can cause him some problems. His loyalty to his friends, family, and kingdom has gotten him into many fights and arguments (not as much as Emperor but when he was younger it was a problem). While he led the cats to what would be Kado Kingdom he would barely get any sleep and would be overworking himself constantly to make sure everyone was okay and they all made it to the island.


Childhood/Early Life

Kado was born on a farm a couple miles away from a small city. His father was a soldier and a farmer, for the first bit of Kado's life everything was peaceful, there were no wars or battles of any kind; which meant his father was able to stay home and work on the farm. His mother was also a farmer who would tend to the farm when his father wasn't home. When Kado was young his father would play with him by teaching him fighting skills (of course his mother didn't allow anything too rough), Kado would go into town with his parents every now and then to help them trade/sell their crops. He would explore the city and talk to travelers and merchants, learning everything he could and hearing stories of their adventures. Some days back at home when they had extra time Kado's parents would teach him how to read and write, this was usually in the winter since they had less work to do with their crops and on the farm. Once Kado knew how to read he would find and borrow books from people in the city on his family's trips into the city. Kado loved learning new things even as a kid and would always find something to do in the city that others his age found "weird" or "odd"; this made it really hard for him to make friends, but older cats traveling through the city would always talk to him, which made the fact he had no friends not bother him that much.

When Kado was 9 the peace started to end. His father was called back to his duties as a soldier, he was set up to work on the complete opposite side of the city so Kado barely ever saw him for the next year or so. The only time he was able to see his father was on weekends if he and his mother went into the city, his father would then sometimes be off duty long enough for the three of them to hang out and maybe get a meal together. But as the year went on they both became more busy and they weren't able to see each other. Without the help of his father, farming was hard for Kado and his mother, Kado started working hard to help his mother. Despite only being 9 years old he was working almost as hard as his father would; no matter how hard his mother tried she couldn't get him to rest, he was determined to help and not cause his mother any trouble. He finally got too tired to continue after a few weeks and got sick, which was the only reason his mother got him to rest. A couple weeks after he got better it was his birthday; he and his mother went into the city to celebrate and maybe to see his father. While they were there a battle broke out on the far side of the city, there were explosions and many buildings caught fire, destroying a good section of the city. Kado and his mother rushed over knowing that's where his father was positioned, they were then told the terrible news from another soldier that his father was killed in the battle. The next year of their life was really hard. Not only did they have to live with losing Kado's father, they also had to figure out how to run the farm and live their lives without him. Kado took it incredibly hard, he would sometimes go days without sleeping, working through the night on the farm no matter how much his mother begged him to go to sleep or rest. This did pay off though, his extra work helped them make just as much as they did when his father was around.

Teenage Years

A year after his father's death Kado finally calmed down and started listening to his mother and taking care of himself. He started to realize that the farm was in good condition and that he didn't need to break himself to keep it going. He started working normal amounts along with his mother, helping her more directly than just doing everything himself (which was a lot for a 10 year old to handle), he slowly got back to being his normal self, working hard and then learning and exploring in his free time. They would still go into the city every other week, where he continued to talk to new and old merchants, still listening to their stories and learning new things from them. When he was 11 he started hearing merchants talking about magic, they would tell him legends they heard of cats using magic, he wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't read something about magic usage in a book when he was younger; but he still found it hard to believe, he later started going into the city more often, hoping to maybe learn something about magic. For the next couple of years he lived a pretty normal life, helping his mother on the farm, going into the city every now and then to talk to traders and explore. One day when he was 13 he and his mother had finished their chores on the farm quicker than usual. Instead of going into the city to hang out he decided to go into the forest for once. He decided to go towards the mountains, seeing all sorts of animals he had somehow never seen before, he felt like something was pulling him towards the mountains; so he kept going. He finally made it to a cave, he decided to go explore the inside of the cave, where he found mysterious writing on the walls, he couldn't read it at first but promised himself that he would come back. Over the next couple weeks he would go to the cave almost every night trying to translate the writing. One day he met a merchant in the city who had a book that seemed to have symbols similar to the ones on the wall of the cave, that same day he overheard soldiers complaining about something new that had happened in a recent battle they had, they spoke of a cat starting fire with nothing but his paws. After getting home and going back to the cave he realized that the symbols weren't the same, but he was able to take the general idea from the translations in the book and apply them to the symbols on the walls. With a little guessing he was able to get a pretty close translation, it was close enough for him to read and understand it. Within only a couple days Kado was almost fully fluent in the new language. He was able to understand the spells the runes referred to, the first spell he tried was what he heard the soldiers talking about, he tried to make fire with his paws. The writing on the walls explained the basics about how magic worked, that in order to do spells without a drawn spell circle you must focus your energy somewhere in your body and concentrate on the spell you are performing. Kado did just that and created flames in his paws; it scared him at first but he remained calm. He then spent the rest of the night writing down everything he had learned in a book he made, he wrote down all his notes, the way he translated the symbols, and the way he created fire. The next day when he returned to the cave he discovered there were more symbols, they contained more spells, after trying a couple things Kado discovered that the more magic that was used in the cave the more symbols that would appear. Each symbol talked about different ways magic could be used and a few different types of what they called "Elemental Magic", after a couple tries Kado was able to control a couple small rocks in the cave, which was a part of the elemental magic the symbols mentioned. He quickly discovered that he could simply control the whole cave with the elemental magic and it would light up every single symbol in the cave. He quickly got to writing down everything in his journal. As he left the cave he saw something, it was a pendent. It was emitting magic energy so powerful Kado could almost see it; he took it, and as soon as he put it on the powerful energy calmed, but it wasn't entirely gone. Kado then headed home to tell his mother all about what he just discovered (as he always did after exploring the cave).

For the next couple months he worked hard on the farm with his mother and then would go to the cave after to take notes and learn new spells. One day after being in the city and once again hearing about cats attacking using magic Kado decided that he couldn't let his journal fall into the wrong hands and that the information in it could cause a lot of trouble. At first he found a way to enchant lock so they would not open with any key, then he adjusted the spell slightly and was able to lock a book so it could open with a spell only Kado knew; he then transferred that spell to his journal and changed it slightly. He made it so that only someone with his blood could open it; which also included anyone in his family. Slowly over the next couple years more and more battles started up around the city, Kado heard of them every time he went into the city; soldiers complaining of cats using magic to attack them, and soldiers with odd injuries that a normal cat couldn't inflict. A few years later (when Kado was 16) he was by far the most powerful magic user (or cat in general) in the city, but no one would ever know it. He barely ever used his magic outside of the cave or his farm, he didn't really want people knowing he could use magic to the extent he could, he also didn't like drawing attention to himself. That same year during their month of harvesting, due to Kado's magic, they quickly were able to harvest most of their crops; since they were working so quickly Kado's mother convinced him to take a week off, which wasn't exactly an easy task. After a lot of arguing he was finally convinced and took the next week off. He got to do much more research without taking time off of sleeping, he also got to spend much more time in the city; which is were he once again heard a ton about little battles breaking out with magic users (which is what everyone started calling cats who use magic) but he also got to talk to travelers and merchants like he used to when he was young, and he ended up buying some silk from a merchant. For the next week he taught himself everything he could find, he even found a new form of magic. Kado had already discovered that you could use spell circles to perform some spells but he hadn't yet figured out rituals. Until now. He found a new symbol on the cave wall that he had not seen because of a rock covering it. It explained how one would perform a ritual and the powerful magic it would create. Kado then of course tried it, he went into the city where rodents were common and killed a rat, he then hid in an alley behind some houses and used his own blood to make a basic ritual circle, he then placed the rat in the center and activated it. He wasn't trying anything too complex, just a simple light spell; but he didn't prepare for the insane amount of power. The light shot up in a beam about 50 feet tall and instantly alerted soldiers to his location, he was able to get away without being spotted but vowed never to do something like that in the city again. Over the rest of his days off Kado decided to make himself something, he used the silk he bought from the merchants and enchanted it with a spell that would make it immune to any magic, then he sewed it into a cloak; he then used his elemental magic to find gold (he never used it to buy anything, just for decoration), and sewed it into silk to line his cloak.

When Kado was 18 a new kingdom appeared. Apparently it used to be one of the bigger cities in the area but was taken over by a tyrant who appointed himself as the new king. The new kingdom started taking over smaller neighboring towns and cities, causing many casualties, it was working slowly but every time Kado went into the city he heard soldiers and merchants talking about it becoming an all out war. For a couple months everything was quiet in the city, but that changed one morning when Kado went into the city. His mother had a few errands that needed to be done in town and Kado volunteered to go, but when he got to the city it was attacked by magic users. One of the main buildings was blown up, killing many cats and sending flying debris everywhere and almost hitting Kado in the process. Then cats in black cloaks started running around taking anything that seemed important or valuable, attacking anyone who fought back with magic. Kado threw on his hood and ran out to fight; despite never fighting with magic before he was quickly able to beat the closest group of cats with some 'simple' elemental magic. He fought and dodged, using his cloak to deflect any magic thrown his way, and then throwing fire or any other variety of spells at them. Within less than 5 minutes Kado had taken out all the attackers, he then helped get cats out of the rubble of the fallen building and took anyone who was injured to get help; then using magic he rebuilt the buildings that had been damaged and helped in any other way he could. A few weeks after his first encounter with the magic users another group showed up by Kado's house; they were on their way to the city when he intercepted them. He quickly took them out and didn't see any action for years. Word of him spread pretty quickly, stopping almost all petty crime and the new kingdom decided to avoid the city; of course this didn't stop the new kingdom. He still heard everyone in the village talking about it, and Kado learned they were calling themselves the Xeonedor Empire, after their leader Xeon. Everything was normal for the next couple years, before they attacked at full force. Kado hadn't realized exactly how much the empire had grown until the attack. An army of soldiers attacked the city at midnight, Kado was woken up by his mother panicking, she had woken up and looked outside to see the city on fire in the distance. Kado grabbed his cloak and ran to the city, he was horrified when he saw what was happening. An army from the Xeonedor Empire was bombing the city with magic, he ran into the battle, fighting off massive numbers of soldiers with his magic. He started using magic to put out small sections of the fire (since putting all of it out at once would hurt him) within an hour he had defeated all the attacking soldiers and put the fire out; but he could sense another battalion coming. He made his final decision, he knew he couldn't risk losing his city, but he also couldn't lose anymore of his people. He made an announcement to everyone in and around the city using magic, he told them to grab everything or whatever they could and meet him at the edge of the city and that he would take them to a place they would be safe, he had just enough time to go to his house and explain everything to his mother, the two of them quickly packed their stuff, Kado was grateful for the bags he made a few years prior when he needed something to do, he used magic to attach them to a harness and then filled the bags with all of his belongings, including his journal; he then made it to the edge of the city. Thousands of cats came to his call, with anything they could carry, some had farm animals and newly harvested crops, and others obviously just scraped up what they could from the burnt markets. Kado lead them to the coast (which was only a couple miles away), he was able to sense landforms using elemental magic, he used this ability to find the nearest island and make sure it would be livable for hundreds of years to come; he then performed a quick but powerful ritual, raising the land in the ocean up to form a path to the island. It was about 50 feet wide, with plenty of space for everyone to safely travel. Kado instructed the soldiers and stronger cats to walk on either side of the path, in between the rest of the cats and the ocean in order to make sure no one misstepped and ended up in the water without someone noticing. The walked for a couple weeks, they would travel during the day and set up camp at night, every night when they set up camp Kado would destroy the path behind them to make sure they couldn't be followed. Over the weeks of traveling Kado overworked himself more than he ever had before; he would barely ever sleep because he was focused on keeping everyone else safe, when traveling he would carry those who could no longer walk on their own. He would also make multiple trips through the crowd, checking on everyone and making sure no one got left behind. When they finally made it to the island Kado destroyed the rest of the path, and everyone set up camp a few miles inland, which is where Kado decided to form the walls. Despite being absolutely exhausted he performed a powerful ritual using 'dark magic' and built the walls; they took a few days to fully form but Kado was sure they would be safe in their new land.


Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.