


1 year, 9 months ago


  • Name: Viscozno
  • Alias(s): tba
  • Race: slime
  • Gender: M (he/him)
  • Age: 33 yrs 
  • Height: 5'10" (177.8 cm)
  • Orient.: poly/pan
  • Theme:

Visconzo is a traveling merchant who can often be found galavanting around Estoné, though he has traveled a great many places of Estevale. He carries with him only the finest of jewelry, fabrics, and oddities that are sure to suit your needs!*

* In agreeing to purchase from the Pandora's Box, where upon money has been exchanged for goods, you hearby release and discharge Pandora's Box, including their agents, employees, successors and assignes, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, and affiliates, and all who are liable or might be considered liable, whether or not herein named none of who admit liability, but all expressing deny liability, from any and all claims, demands, damages, injuries, possessions, curses, poltergeist and/or haunting, falling suddenly ill, spewing of green, red, blue, or yellow ectoplasm, twisting of heads 360° wheather or not possible before or after purchase, the loss of first born child, hallucinations, sudden death, becoming undead, or trapping inside of an object as a living soul or as a dead spectral being, to both person and property, and the aforementioned that might develop in the future as a result of an item purchases from Pandora's Box. No refunds will be issued.


  • Visconzo is a charismatic individual whose always got something to sell, whether it's an allegedly cursed object or that he is a secure confident man not plagued by fears or insecurities. He's always trying to present the best and hide the rest.
  • He is horribly flirtatious! However, be is always genuine with his compliments. He sees beauty in everything AND everyone.
  • Adores extravagant  things. Only the best of the best for himself and those he is wooing. His loves language is gifts giving and anyone who is on the receiving ends of his affections will be drowning in riches.
  • Behind closed doors he's tired and melancholic. He deeply fears inadequacy and being alone / forgotten in the world.


  • Visconzo is an iridescent slime. He's pink but depending on how the light hits him his skin will also shimmer yellows, blues, and purples. He can also, within reason, alter his physical appearance moment to moment.
  • Gelatinous consistency. He wiggle wiggle 
  • Typically he likes to have long "hair" that is usually kept in a ponytail over his shoulder, but he has been known to sport short hair.
  • He is naturally a very thin individual but he can adjust the slime to give the illusion of "muscle" occasionally. He can't do this for long though. He's a slimy twig.


  • A lyrical baritone voice one could just spend hours and hours listening to 🤤
  • When nervous his gelatinous slime becomes more and more thick and sticky. To the point that random items he touches stick to him, or he might have a hard time removing himself from what his "skin" is touching! This made his first kiss very awkward 😳 
  • His name is play on the word Viscous "having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid", and the name Vincenzo meaning "to win; to conquer".