Dazy Morningstar



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Oh my LORD add a neat code for this mess


WIP adding ref soon


she was the older sister of Dominic and was mainly the one to help Dominic out when he was in trouble, he was very known for getting stuck in things; accidentally hurting himself etc. when she was tossed away by Diablo she was set back into the 1800s of Japan and was Turn into a child Kitsune. even though it was right in the middle of a snow storm Thankfully she was right in front of a shrine which a young man was taking care of it, Knowing she would either be poached by villagers or frozen to death he took her in out of kindness. he eventually raised her and trained her With katanas to protect herself just in case.  she mainly stayed inside of the shrine to not scare anyone until she could control to hide her ears and tails. she was usually very happy and over time (around 18-19) eventually grew a crush on the young man and so did he.  but one day when she left to go to a far away village to pick up some things that he needed for medicine as soon as she came back she found the shrine on fire and him killed in the building. distraught and enraged at the sight of him lying there in blood she lost control of her power and massacred the people in the village, she’s now an urban legend of “the white fox the red village”.  After their massacre she hit a way in an abandoned town for a good while until another deity found her eventually coaxed her out, leading her into a new village. After time she eventually Grew comfortable and was almost herself again, she was socializing with the townspeople and the other neighboring deities, she actually gained a name for self for geisha dancing (very popular amongst men lol). More time passes and she’s eventually attacked by Maskman in light samurai armor, she’s met him before in the town she used to live in and always ends in a draw but she thinks that he is in a correlation of the towns people acting that way and why her shrine was burned down but has yet to defeat him and he usually vanishes away. during the fight she accidentally reveals her Kitsune abilities and has flashbacks of the people treating her horribly, she goes to hiding again and doesn’t let any of the deities go in or shrine. up until a raid happened on the village and she was forced to come out and save them. A big fight happens with the main dude making her except that yes she is a demon but she doesn’t care because she’d rather be helping people and fighting for them then going against them and hurting everyone around her (insert epic speech here). The heavens hear this and they give her a redemption of sorts letting her relinquish the demon in her in return of helping the heavens instead, she obviously takes us and finishes off the the boss and is now granted wings (huh a flying fox?). Though the deal is left to be desired for Dazy when she finds out the help they need is to take down Dominic, granted it’s been a few years after he’s taking rule the heavens are scared of him doing more damage by taking over the human world and so on. understandably distraught and taken back by the thought of killing her own brother but she doesn’t like the thought of him taking over the humans either, after a difficult choice she decides to go through with it it has a meet up on the frozen over river. she eventually does defeat them and see him away though she does have a big mental breakdown realizing that what she has done to her own and only family, having her friends and everyone else come to your aid to calm her and come to terms with what she’s done. Now as a memorial for Dominic she goes to different worlds, universe and in such that he is wanted to visit that are left in his notebook. Every time she goes to a new world she fills up the last pages detailing it to the last creature