George the Scarecrow



6 years, 4 months ago


A 'blank slate' without any prior memories who wakes up at the outskirts of a small town and through series of events becomes indebted to the town's mayor. Without any skills or knowledge, he's deemed to be good enough for only one thing - to be chained up on a post in the middle of the cornfield to serve as a scarecrow during the day. Eventually, mayor's daughter feels pity and takes care of George who mistakenly interprets it as affection. With his love denied, and after suffering countless abuse, he finally snaps and sets fire to the mayor's mansion before leaving town and setting off on a journey of self-discovery. 

Basic traits/personality:

- mute 

- unknown species, age and origin

- strength/endurance beyond that of a normal human being, but not to the point of being overpowered and unbeatable

- rarely uses force but will defend himself if necessary

- drawn to people, yet has hard time trusting them due to past experiences

- curious about new experiences (susceptible to trying alcohol and other substances)

- once a person gains his trust, he's easily influenced

- shaky moral compass