Stone (Old Code)




He / Him


"Time is relative, it doesn't seem to pass when I'm with you"

AGE 34
OCCUPATION ?? - Barista

Stone is very closed off about who he was before he was with Doctor. There's a few people who know, Doctor is not one of them, but if he asked Stone would tell him. He's a man willing to put anyone or thing he cares for above himself. He seemingly puts work above any social life he may have, but then he also doesn't seem to really care for one, though he does love a busy place to just, observe people.

He is rather tall, his fur slick like an adult Caracal's only really fluffing along his tail, ear tips and slightly over his chest. His markings also strangly resemble latte art, he jokes that it was fate to pick it up as a hobby, that or he should have hated the substance, he's not sure which outcome he personally finds funnier. He doesn't mind talking about his nose scar, however the way he has gotten it seems to change each time he speaks about it.



Stone almost always seems to be putting on an act, but sometimes it slips up and shows how emotional he can truly become. He seems to put this act on to keep himself in control, and that he does it for his own benefit not for others. The main times this slips up is if anyone hurts [physically or emotionally] those that he cares for, he can brush off insults to his own person, but his loved ones, that's a different story.

Despite being more charming, he's capable of making himself repellent if he wants to be, likewise he finds it pretty easy to take far more pride in what he can do and rub that in others faces. He's spent enough time around those sorts of people to pick up all the mannerisms he needs to pull of the act convincingly.

His main love language is simply to make life easier for those he cares for. If he notices their near the end of their notebook, the next time they go to pick it up, a new identical one will be below it. He makes sure food & drink is always there when they'll next need or want it. He personally loves gifts, even if these are just something that will make his life a little easier, or even just something tacky that he knows actually has thought behind it.


  • Doctor
  • Coffee
  • Making others content
  • Singing
  • Reading


  • Thunderstorms
  • Judgmental people
  • Being off-time
  • Being alone
  • Disorder



Stone has always felt comfortable about his place in the world. Most of the acts he puts on are for the sake of those around him, but he'll always break the illusion if he starts to grow uncomfortable with it all.
He found out even more about who he is once he started working for Doctor.

He loves taking orders, and actually becomes rather uncomfortable if he's given too much freedom when it comes to ideas or plans. He's the last to throw his hat in when it comes to making a decision and in most cases will refuse to vote if he is the one that will tip it, unless if he feels really passionate about it. He does have a range of passions that he will speak out and stay strong and firm on.


Stone was a little anxious when he first met Doctor, having heard a lot about the other man, that he later learns is either false or a defensive action.
Despite what some may have said, he never expected his relationship with Doctor to evolve the way that it did, not that this is a negative to him, he simply never believed that he would be in a relationship with him in anything deeper then close co-workers.

Stone truly loves Doctor with his whole heart, and would do anything to keep the other happy and comfortable, both within himself and their relationship. It broke his heart when he realised he had to leave it, and decided to sneak out overnight, simply because he knew the Doctor wouldn't want him to go, and he wouldn't be able to say no to him.
Stone desperatly hope that he will be able to return home to him soon.


The two first met when they first started working for their job, but lost touch a few years after leaving this academy.
Wayde is the person who picked Stone back up and put him back together after he had to leave Doctor. Stone felt he could not only smile around the other, but could also be open and cry around them.

Stone knew and prepared Wayde for this to just be a relationship until he could get back to Doctor. However, now he's begining to think it won't be as easy as that, yes Doctor has all his heart, but there seems to be more space growing for Wayde.


Stone has actually kept as much of a track on Doctor as possible within his current situation.
This does mean that he actually knows of Roo at least, even in the vaguest senses. Simply that Doctor now has a child in his life and seems to be happy & protective of them. He doesn't know much more, as other people don't seem to know that much.

Stone has a lot of worries but also some wishful thinking about what he knows of this scenario. He tries not to focus on it too much.



  • He only sleeps properly with his head on Doctor's chest
  • Regrets leaving Doctor the way he did, but knows if he didn't do it in secret he wouldn't be able to actually go.
  • Might actually rival Doctor in intelligence.
  • Is a trained Barista & Bartender, though doesn't use it in any professional sense.
  • Wayde is one of the few people who can make Stone genuinly laugh.



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Mr Loverman

Ricky Montgomery