Twisted Ceylon



1 year, 9 months ago


Plants and herbs cover me in my dreams-


  • Leafy greens
  • Sunlight
  • Ants and insects
  • Light rain showers
  • -


  • Excessive heat
  • Too much rain
  • -
  • -
  • -


  • Link - #2415
  • Prefix - Ceylon tree trunks look twisted and stretched
  • Suffix - Their coat is as black as the ebony wood from the Ceylon Ebony tree
  • Magic - Ceylon's magically-grown plants end up with a coat of ceylon ebony bark, making them stand out against the normally green ground.
  • Phenotype - Black silver broken mackerel tabby with high white and turquoise eyes
  • Edits - [ nr ] scars [ c ] ear placement, ear tufts [ uc ] med fur edit
NAME Twisted Ceylon
AGE 50 moons
ORIENTATION Polyromantic
RANK Deciduous Magu

A peculiar Decy whose plants always manage to be coated in ebony-black bark, after his namesake. Since kithood, his parents had tried their hardest to fix this quirk, but nothing they tried ever stuck. Twisted Ceylon just grew up different.

After his village was destroyed, Ceylon lost himself in a near-constant dreamlike trance, gracefully leaping from one foot to the next, never really paying attention to where he is. This makes him seem ditsy, but in reality, he's quite a genius and has great ideas. Ceylon is often looked down upon by the other cats for his untraditional approach to life, but once in battle, he's a great asset.



Twisted Ceylon is constantly in the clouds, daydreaming about being a plant and photosynthesizing. He's seen as ditsy and not the most useful in the Principality's current situation, but once that fight starts, he goes into full focus mode, slashing and blocking with his barked plants.

Outside of his constantly reverie, his closer friends know him to be kind-hearted and patient and very imaginative. They enjoy his creative company and always encourage him to speak up about his ideas. Ceylon shrugs it off, saying no cat would take him seriously enough.


Ceylon was daydreaming one day and came back to a...gruesome surprise back home. His villge had been attacked, fire were blazing, and bodies scattered the once-clear ground. Previously, he had heard of the Principality and its power growing, so, naturally, he went over to them.

Any cat who knows of his background feels back for Ceylon, and often believes his recurring cloudiness is a way of grieving. The others just think he's crazy.







Ruzar Friend

Ceylon and Ruzar lived in the same village and often played together. They went out on adventures in the woods, and played in streams. After the...explosive incident they separated and haven't talked much since, both quite shaken. Ruzar lives in the Pit of the Obsidian Tiger, and Ceylon tries his best to get time off from the bloodshed to chill with his childhood friend.

NAME relationship

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