
6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Rani
Birthday: August 28th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual, lesbian
Height: 4'4

  1. Is a frog.
  2. Controls certain frogs.
  3. Playable Character of a puzzle game called Bobble's Treasures (made by Bobble Inc.)
  4. You collect frogs in three stages, each of which have various puzzles, you can't progress past the end of the stage until you collect enough frogs. 
  5. The first stage has Rani collecting frogs until Rani transforms into an enraged version of herself that you have to fight, now as a 'blank' character, once subdued she reverts back to collect frogs again in the second stage until she transforms into an even harder version of herself that you must once again fight.
  6. Once you have finished that fight you move onto the third stage which involves very difficult puzzles, and at the end you collect an orb that allows Rani to collect as much as they like without transforming, and you have finished Rani's section of the game.
  7. You can then play through older levels to collect any frogs you missed, once you collect all of them you unlock a secret scene.
  8. You can switch between playable characters whenever you like.