


6 years, 4 months ago


Deity Accico

The Triangle


Accico is the conjoined twin with Accoro. Sharing both the same lower body but branching out into two. The twin dragons are the result of an indogod's angels hybrid. Accoro summons for the triangle eye of the storm whilst Accico calls for the squarish clouds to converge into carpets of holes in the sky. These which form tornadoes. These which form windstorms. Or even deadzones where the air is so thin a dragon will suffocate.

Accico and Accoro both represent a very strange weather phenomena which only appears in their time of calling. In a so called 'Sierpinski event', The twins would carpet holes of all sizes upon the clouds above. Formed orderly like a fractal. The Sierpinski event will instantly lead clouds to implode or extrude bizzare abilities. For depending on whever the 'Triangular' sines or the 'Square' sines are like - the weather will either be peaceful, or dangerous. Arctica has specifically exploited this ability in such a perverse fashion. To the case he forces the twins to be part of whatever manipulation his loyal gods and dieties obey to. He _forces_ them to summon 'Sierpinski events' which often will exponentially increase the destructive powers of whatever type of weather pattern his loyal dieties and servants make.These events are completley unique to the world of Nû, which seems to even more support the fact that Accico and Accoro are significant dieties of their own.

When Accico controls the patterns (Triangle), the Event is turbulented almost exponentially. The wake tearing the skies asunder whilst the downdrafts created by these churning fractals will bring hundreds and hundreds of tornadoes digging into the ground below. Siphoning, siphoning off all in its path.

Accico... has a unique personality. She constantly tries to break free of her twin. However she knows it's futile. She is like a maddened godess stuck to an indogod and lesser angel. Neither control the body, but she is the embodiment of all it's rage.

"You cannot possibly fanthom the power of the eyes of eyes"