Archer (PVII)



3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Archer

Age: 19

Height: 189 cm

Species: Human

House: Vega  [Me in 2020 now: ... (Cackle)]

Major Arcana: Aer


[○ stoicheío epíthesis ○]
    → Boost to wind element advantage. Allows a steady flow of wind within the battle field to help improve speed (for non-wind element users) or improve wind based attacks.  He can only keep active for 3-5 minutes at a time with a 4 turn cool down.


[○ stoicheío ámynas ○]  
    → Another elemental type advantage spell. A harsher wind flow to envelope a person to sheild ranged attacks. As of right now he can only envelope himself or anyone else within a close proxmity with himself (must be less than or equal to 4ft away). Only active for two turns, he can not use his other spell while using his defense wind. This spell does not protect against magic based attacks either.

Weapon: Arrowheads


Archer is an earnest and trusting young man. He has a caring and compassionate nature to others, but behind his smile lies something else. Deep down Archer is very manipulative and always tries to keep things to his advantage. While he keeps the air around him pleasant, Archer is very judgemental to those around him. While keeping a smiling face, his brute honesty and toxic expressions leaves others in the wrath of an icy wind.

He is a passionate man and is equally as indulgent; however, if he goes unchecked, it can lead him to be a glutton for punishment. Archer is also somewhat of a flirt. He feels that he can always sway the hearts of others with that signature smile and will gladly play the role. Once he sees he has the other party completely enamored, he will take pleasure in watching their hearts shatter within the palm of his hand.

With his background as a “servant” to a noble and prestigious family, Archer is very loyal and is very dedicated to his goals. While his loyalty is strictly under a specific person, Archer will still follow orders and rules given to him to support the efficacy of others.


♥ His liege.

♥ The smell of perfumes

♥ Gardens & Greenhouses

♥ Meticulous hobbies


✦ Anyone questioning about his eyepatch

✦ Stupidity.

✦ Fire

✦ Nobody understanding the importance of his role.


Hailing from a distant land, Archer was once a knight-in-training to serve under the estate of a renown family named the Beaumounts. The Beaumount estate is famous for its aristocratic status as their bloodline houses the most prestigious of mages and oracles throughout history. While they are not deemed as nobility, the estate holds a strong influence over the nation being its strongest asset. Archer was selected at birth by the oracles to serve under the new heir and was handed over to the Beaumount estate to commit his life’s “contract” to the family. Archer's personal dedication and disciplined lifestyle supported his skills with the bow and was prompted to become a Bow Knight by the oracles of the estate. Throughout the years Archer was considered the best ranked and strongest within the estate, and flourished within it with his title. His prideful nature amplified the moral within the estate and many considered him the poster boy of a successful servant that the Beaumonts raised. However, tragedy struck Archer down as quick as lightning. An incident occurred during his final stages of training that resulted in him losing his left eye and thus becoming unfit to continue as a knight. Forced to overcome his losses, Archer began to learn magecraft to keep his title to the Beaumount estate, but found hardships in learning the craft late in life. Ridiculed, chastised, and almost discharged from the estate Archer quickly confined to his liege for support. Upon seeing his desperate pleas and cry for help, his liege gave sympathy to the poor servant. Along with the understanding of the importance about his role, his liege Lidiya Beaumont, sends him off on a quest to learn magecraft outside of the Beaumount estate to keep his servitude under her name.Through his pilgrimage, Archer vowed to return only once he deemed himself fit to fulfil his role to the estate and thus found his way to Luna Arc.

Misc. Information:

♦ He’s dub’d as a servant, but it’s not an entitlement to servitude. His role is more of a Retainer than as a Butler.
♦ Truly blind in his left eye and also has burn-scarring under the eyepatch.
♦ Name is an alias, he was renamed after being handed over to thet estate.
♦ Birthday: February 14th