Dolly- D0114



6 years, 4 months ago


Label: D0114

Name: Dolly

Species: Sentient Alien-Robot

Gender: Technically genderless, goes by she/her

Sexuality: Asexual, likes hugs though- if you want that.

Occupation: Security Bot

Skills/Abilities: A bot made to protect, Dolly is strong and sturdy! She can lift the weight of a bus and is skilled in combat. Her hands, through some advance alien-means can transform into hand-canons at will.

Weaknesses: Sturdy and she may be, but if hurt or damaged too badly will shut down to prevent total malfunction, she becomes useless. To much water sucks ass (I'm talking do not make her sit in a bathtub or crash your ship into the ocean, she cant swim and she shuts down.). Plus she's slow (running; her arm reflexes are fast) and heavy (all that sturdiness and durability has its downsides).

Personality: Perky/Helpful/Stubborn/Loving



-Humans (thinks they're cute and soft)

-Hugs and cuddles

-Cute things basically

-Canons (her own mostly)


-Losing people

-Being threatened

-Having to watch people eat


-3 "eyes," no actual "mouth" but can communicate. o0o

-Is really affectionate and fun-loving but doesn't understand flirting.

-Has a Very Serious Mode, with Red Eyes for when she's got to be Very Serious or is just Very Mad!

-Will stop to tell small children (or perceived children; not every small alien is a child, Dolly) hello, unless ordered/asked not to (on this mission only; you'll have to ask her again next time)

-Tries to draw sometimes but she always breaks the pencil/tool she's using; admires artists or anyone that has the skill.

Adopted from the amazing Kodoukat

That have more robots for adopt..... If you're interested **wink wink**