Nell's Comments

Does anyone on my open for offers folder interests you?

I can offer the $75

Would anyone in my th interest you??

I can also throw in a couple fullbodies as well!

Anyone in my th intrst you?😍

Hey im interested in them. $40 paypal

see someone in my th?

I can offer 40$ on them 💦

See someone from my toyhouse?

hi there! anyone in my th or my alt GhostKing interest? the only offlimits are the literally me and danny phantom folder ^^

Anyone from my secondary folder?

See anyone in here? (Can do multiples)

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Someone in my TH interest you?

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Offer $70

I can offer $80 for him!

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Does anyone in my th interest you? Only off limits is sonas! ;0;💕

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He would be the perfect vent character but the best I have to offer is an oc with only 3 pieces so rip;-;