Euri Dica



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Nickname / Title

The Chancellor


Human (presumably)


5th of October


21 (Young Adult)




Head Law Enforcer of Blarcania Kingdom


166 cm


66 kg

Torso Metrics (cm) B / UB / W / H

108 / 80 / 65 / 75


"Justice doesn't have any particular favourites"


"The only thing that justice dislikes is evil, corruption, imbalance, and discordance."

Oriverse (Original Universe)


Subverse (Sub Universe)

Plana Sonus

Subverse Affinities

Rhythma (8) - Harmona (7)


Euri Dica, also known as The Chancellor, is a law enforcer in Blarcania Kingdom, mainly in charge in the jurisdiction department as a court judge. Her love and dedication to law contributed many times in her public service to provide the fairest judgement to both sides. She even went extra mile to patrol the city herself and helping the citizens on petty cases.

That also means that she is the number one enemy to criminals and mafia syndicate. Her judgement cannot be bought with money, therefore a lot of attempts to hurt Euri has been done to eliminate her. Most of the time are useless efforts, because her scales and sword protected her from harm. And she is never been seen to leave her quarters without any of both.

The scales are specifically made for Euri Dica with one-of-a-kind features embedded within. Its main material is a high-conductive Adamantine-Gold alloy that helps her to effectively cast spells. Most of the spell casting stuff were done with her right hand, although she needs to use both hands for any larger scale spells. When operated outside combat, it can float in the air and balances itself whenever the bowls are not loaded with any mass.

The sword is made of Mithril, a lightweight yet durable mineral to use with her left hand. It was granted by Queen Charlotte as a badge of service since a few years ago. She rarely used it to strike, instead she parried incoming attacks. On special cases, she used the very same sword as a tool to end the life of convicted, high rank criminals.

So, what's the deal with the masquerade-like mask? None other than concealing her face and to hide her identity. She also found the style is quite beautiful. And what about the snake anklet? It serves as a reminder for her that evil always try to stop the justice.