


6 years, 4 months ago


“Age has been kind to me, in both knowledge and experience. You’d be surprised what one can learn by simply watching.”

Name: Loradi Arabirretyn

Age: 173

Race: Wood Elf

Alignment: Neutral Good

Class: Cleric

Deity: Lathander

The darkest places often call for the darkest rumors. 

Seeded deep in untouched regions, rumors spoke of an ancient demonic being cursed to be bound to a forgotten haven for what might have been eternity. Locals often spoke of it's dreadful desire for the mortal soul, using them to fuel it's power, and their bodies to continue it's immortality. Few had ever seen it, but those lucky few who had managed to escape spoke of a ghastly pale thing, slender with green eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was a horrible wives tale mothers would tell their children to lure them home at night, and a rumor locals would use to instil fear into the hearts of passersby.

But then, rumors are just that. Rumors. 

In reality, this "ghastly demonic thing" was Loradi Arabirretyn, a young elf of 173 hiding from the rest of the world. It was, in fact, Loradi who had concocted these rumors, determined to remain hidden from the world for what might have been the rest of her natural lifespan. but why? Why hide from the world so desperately as to instill true fear into the hearts of those around her? the answers to these queries lay buried deep in Loradi's mind, doomed to linger on her conscious for what might be eternity.

Some 83 years ago, Loradi was safe, content, and eager to prove herself as an adult. She had a family who loved her, friends who confided in her, and a community that supported her and everyone around her without hesitation. She was content. she should have been fine. She should have waited. But impatience got the better of they young woman. For so long she had desperately wished to contribute to her community. so often had she watched others come and go, giving everything they could to help each other. She wanted to be apart of that. She wanted to adventure farther than neighboring communities. Her village council, however, still felt her to be too young, too foolish to be able to safely venture off. She believed them wrong, and chose defiance in attempts to follow her dreams. She would show them she had what it would take to adventure. She had no idea the trouble she would bring.

Loradi had intended to follow a lead on a hidden cache said to have contained forgotten magical items that could potentially bring great harm if fallen into the wrong hands. Loradi desperately wanted to recover these goods in order to not only prevent the latter from happening, but to prove that she was capable. Fortune seemed to have been in Loradi’s favor that day, in more ways than one. She was successfully able to recover the cache, and brought it back to her village with great haste. The council seemed pleased, but reluctant to keep these items, refusing to even open the box to see what was inside, as there had previous conflict in the surrounding areas for rightful ownership of these articles. Nonetheless, Loradi was proud of what she had done, keeping watch over the chace until the council would decide what to to with the objects. Unfortunately for her, that news would never come. 

That same night, Loradi’s town burned during a bandit raid, or what would seem like one. They kicked down doors, ransacked homes, and slaughtered almost the entire town. Coming to the realization that they were likely after what Loradi had found, she fled, taking her findings with her. 

Loradi barely escaped undetected, and it would soon seem like she was the only one. She returned to her home the next morning, or what had been her home. It was now steeped in ashe and rubble. Copses lined pathways, and blood stained the ground. And all for what? Some stupid box? A collection of items? She  had come to realize it was her who had gotten her people killed in a foolish effort to prove herself not to be a child, when she did what might have been the most foolish thing possible. Loradi debated taking her own life in repentance, but something… spoke to her. She felt she was not done in life, that she and this… demonic box had a higher purpose. But she was done with people. 

Loradi fled, unsure what to do or where to go. She wandered for what felt like days without sleep, the box slung under her arm until she finally collapsed from exhaustion. Here she lay for hours, unable to move until she finally drifted off into a dream that would change the course of her life.

Loradi felt as if she was about to die, seeing only white light as she drifted off into dreams. But a voice let out to her. It encouraged her, pleaded with her to keep going. She had a greater purpose in life. Her lot was not to crumple into a weak ball and die in the dirt. The voice seemed to belong to Lathander, god of birth and renewal. She wasn’t sure, but that's what her tired mind was telling her, so she went with it. He promised her it wasn’t her time yet, and that he would be there for her, as so many before him had been. His voice began to fade out and another took it’s place as Loradi regained consciousness. 

An old man stood before her, repeatedly asking if she was okay, if she could hear him. She realized she was no longer in the dirt, but in a small cabin that smelled of sage. She sat up gently as the man explained he had found her and her box some days ago, and he was surprised she was even still alive at that point. He asked her what happened, but Loradi claimed memory loss, a lie on her part, but she was terrified to face reality. The old man accepted this, but refused to let Loradi wander off in her condition. And so she stayed, grateful for his help. She had intended to leave as soon as she was walking again, but something in her just wouldn’t let her. And the old man didn’t mind having the company. The old man cared for Loradi as a father would a daughter, and shared with him vast knowledge she had come to find over the years. Ancient texts of every sort scattered his home, and age allowed both to acquire a great deal of knowledge

One day, however, the man took ill. His time in the world was coming to an end, but he was content. He was not a,one, and was so grateful for it. Before his passing, he questioned Loradi on the one time she had with her when he found her all those years ago. She claimed ignorance on it, and was truthful in that, The man laughed, he had expected as much. A proper guardian she would make indeed. Confused at his line of speaking, Loradi questioned the dying elder of what he meant, but only handed her a letter, claiming that everything she would need to know was within. He passed only moments later. 

Loradi was too heartbroken to care for the letter at that moment, and cast it aside. She spent what seemed like years hiding from the world, fearing for those around her, as they often seemed to meet the worst ends with her around. She was scared of the world and relations, and what they could bring. she was confused and scared, uncertain of her place in the world beyond being a lure for trouble. Yet, she had felt chosen, in a way. why had she heard Lathander? Why was she the only one to live? What made her so special? She desperately wanted to seek purpose and understanding of what had happened to her.

But something in her still wanted to help. After some time of wallowing in sorrow, she felt it again. Another dream came to her. Again, she heard a voice. She couldn’t tell if it was Lathander or the old man, but it called to her. You musn’t just sit there. You musn’t let sorrow control you. You have a life, you have purpose. Open the letter. The voice was right. She was almost afraid to open it, aware that everything would come flooding back. But she realized she had been hiding long enough. With a heavy heart, she opened the letter, and what was inside stupefied her. She realized that which she had walked into, that which she had dragged with her to her village and that which had destroyed her own being. She realized just how desperately she needed to hide this box. She realized how badly she had to keep it from the world. She decided to remain in hiding, doing what she could to keep it out of the worlds grasp, hiding it deep within an ancient tomb where she prayed it would stay for the rest of time.

But she still wanted to protect others in repentance for those she had failed. She wished to learn, to think, and to know, rather than act on impulses and harm others in doing so, as she had done so long ago. Realizing that she could in fact have a higher purpose, Loradi dedicated herself to healing others under Lathanders name, spreading rumors to keep others away from her home and the terrible box that had started it all, but adventuring to far places to study, learn, collect ancient items and artifacts and texts, and, most importantly, to help those who could not help themselves. 

At one point, Loradi came across orphan twins feeling from their orphanage, and assisted them in navigating their way out of her forest.

She still seeks understanding of what happened to her and her people, but knows she will never find purpose if she continues to hide. She still refuses to meddle in other peoples personal lives, however.

She wished a simple life for the rest of her span, but little did she know just what she’d soon walk into.


Once a hardworking, energetic and optimistic would, Loradi’s personality grew dark as the ash that had claimed her home. Loradi became rather cold, blunt, and aloof in personality, wanting little to nothing to do with others. She often refers to others in rude manners like “fool”, “imbecil”, and to non elves, “children.”  She is often seen as cold and unapproachable by many, and her distaste for conversation makes her even more difficult to talk to. 

There is more to this woman than meets the eye, however. She is very dedicated to what she does, and abides by a moral compass that will not allow her to leave anyone in harms way. She has a great amount of compassion, and does not believe anyone to be beyond redemption and would never turn away someone in need. She hold the few she cares for very close, and would gladly give her life in their defense.

Personality Traits:

I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow others to be victimized. 

I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.


I try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)

 I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)


A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can find redemption through my actions.

 I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy.


I assume the worst in people.


+She restores and preserves ancient texts to prevent them from becoming lost

+ While masked, she has gone out of her way to provide healing and safe passage through her regions to those who otherwise unable to afford or locate it.

= (false rumor ) She is actually a demonic being, luring others to their doom and taking their bodies when she becomes older.

- She got most of her village slaughtered.

- Shes hangs tightly to dark objects most would consider forbidden.

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