☕️ Umbra Asura ♡



6 years, 7 months ago


Umbra Asura

Half Japanese


24 (August 15th)



270 Pounds (ripped af)



Relationship Status





Abuse (physical, emotional, etc.), VERY violent subject matter, Self-harm, Mental illness, Overall dark/sensitive topics (death of both people and animals), Mentions of Marijuana use, Mentions of Alcohol abuse, Religious themes, Themes of discrimination (Racism, Homophobia) and Mature and intensely Sexual subject matter.

THIS IS A HUGE WORK IN PROGRESS!! It is incomplete and does not have all the in depth information!

Umbra is a main character in one of the universes I have with Sederi-nk! There's also a lot of art of Umbra and Fang when they were shipped together!!

The darkness around his eyes are from him being half-demon, it is NOT make-up. His full fledge demon form cried for the whole time he was in that state (making his eyes now have dark circles around them forever). He used to have black hair and blue eyes, and coming out of the demon realm forced his hair colour into a deep purple and his eyes to become a colourless grey.













  • Coffee
  • Cats
  • Walks
  • Causing (harmless) conflict
  • Cheesecake
  • -


  • Being alone
  • Anyone "above" him
  • Kids
  • -
  • -
  • Jessabelle (meme)

Temperamental, Picky, Defiant, Vulgar, Doubtful, Keen, Jealous (won't admit it) Observant, Strong, Unpredictable, Precise, Hot-headed, Insensitive, Argumentative, Loyal, A little Uptight, Overprotective, Empathetic (to those he cares for), Blunt/Honest, Perverted/Flirty, Cold, Slightly Sadistic, Cocky, Asshole™, Vindictive, Abrupt, Sarcastic, Charming at times, Overwhelming, Passionate, Reluctant, Impulsive, Did I mention he was an asshole?


Upbringing (Trigger Warning!)

Umbra's mother and father met while his dad was on a business trip in japan. He and his mother, Yoko, hit it off instantly and Yoko moved to Canada to be with her new, unfortunate husband. They had two children while in Canada, Donovan and Umbra. Donovan was two years older than Umbra.

Umbra's family had a lot of issues with Umbra in school since at a young age he picked on other kids and bullied them, even getting violent and harming them badly. Umbra was only like this because his father was incredibly abusive towards him, and thus he took out his anger on everyone else around him. This caused Donovan to be hated by Umbra, but Donovan had never hated Umbra in return, and only felt remorse for his poor brother. He always tried to get along with Umbra. Donovan looked a lot like their father, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing glasses like him too. Donovan appeared very masculine unlike Umbra at this time. Umbra looked more like their mother, black hair with blue eyes with similar glasses to his brother. Their father chose an obvious favourite, while their mother attempted to loved them both equally and get through this terrible situation as best she could.

Yoko realizing her husband was a total prick, being a racist, homophobe, and a satanist, she had manipulated him into signing over his incredibly successful company into her name so she could run it herself, while still taking care of their children if they were to divorce. The divorce... would never come, and Umbra's father would be brutally killed from a ritual of his going terribly wrong.

Becoming Half-Demon

Umbra would have been at the age of 16, his brother would have been turning 19. One unfortunate evening on the way home from his work at a cafe, bouquet of flowers and engagement ring on the passenger seat beside him for his beloved Cody, he tragically was struck by oncoming traffic on a highway bridge. Umbra would selfishly and gruesomely cheer that his brother was dead. These feelings were incredibly untrue, he simply wished to finally have attention, love, and recognition from his father.

Donovan's spirit after the crash was enraged, completely inflamed that the course of his life had gone so downhill all from something he could not control, he had his life together, soemone he wanted to spend it with, and a brother to make proud and eventually uplift. Umbra's taunting... would only cause him more anger and anguish, and he would see red. He would choose to completely envelop Umbra's mortal body and force his mortal body into a shadowy silhouette of pain and suffering.

Umbra would have now been a full fledge demon, he’d be incapable of communicating with the living and his physical form would be distorted to a dark, smokey, human-like figure. After two years, Umbra’s spirit began to wear down from nothing to keep him going after Donovan's spirit would wear down and eventually completely snuff out from the emotional and physical struggle to keep Umbra in this form. With luck, Umbra wouldn’t die and his body would reform itself into his human self again. Donovan wouldn’t want his brother dead, but he’d take away the life in his eyes as a final goodbye.

Dear Brother,







  • [TBA]
  • [TBA]
  • [TBA]
  • [TBA]
  • [TBA]
  • [TBA]
  • [TBA]


Malici [ Boyfriend / Best Friend ]


Ginger [ Best Friend (ew) ]



