Damien Hiyake



1 year, 9 months ago


The drummer for the band Mischief and Mayhem, while he is a shifter, he never shifts unless he absolutely has to, usually happens when he gets sick and has no choice. His ex was abusive, often keeping him (in his human form and animal form alike) in a cage and treating him more like an animal than a partner. Damien is extremely quiet and closed off due to this, having only opened up to the band and a select few. Goes by “D” or “Day-day” for short. He's a very quiet boy, BIG, hard bodied baby, who is softer than a creampuff.

When he is on a stage with them, the quiet demeanor vanishes with the music and it's like he comes to life all over again. Having a great time. Music therapy. Pat the boy, he likes it. Hits the gym, carries his own equipment, very good and loyal friend. Despite his past he isn't afraid of someone else touching him. He likes pale blue. And enjoys sweets though he hasn't said as much, all his band mates know.

Loves sweets.