Fernie Davinchie



1 year, 9 months ago


name Fernie Davinchie
age 43 months/3yrs7mths
gender Trans Molly (she/her)
orientation Lesbian
residence The Runners
rank Artisan
mentor content (or content)
apprentice(s) content (or content)


Skill LV: 3


Skill LV: 5


Skill LV: 3


Skill LV: 4


Skill LV: 3

Name given by Walkers
Career assigned Last Name
Perception Skill LV: 5

Stealth Skill lV: 4

Hunting Skill LV: 2

43 mths @ creat



++ Generous, Disciplined

Fernie enjoys the happiness of others, and likes giving and sharing with the cats she knows. Some cats may take advantage of this, as Fernie is rarely able to truly say no. She is however, fairly disciplined in the way of she's not usually one to step out of line (unless following or influenced by another) and follows rules very well.

== Romantic, Soft-Spoken, Collector

Fernie is a sucker for romantic gestures, and goes weak for any sweet nicknames, gifts, or time spent together. She loved watching Walker movies (she dreams of a sunset walk with her true love). She's also rather quiet, and is easily spoken over, especially on conversations with louder personalities or more than one cat and herself. Fernie also has an eye for trinkets and such- she's collected all sorts of items that others might pass over. She has a bit of a hoarding problem at times.

-- Follower/Naive, Cowardly

Even though she's spent over half her life living with the Runners, Fernie is still rather unknowing about the world she lives in. She mostly follows the experience or direction of others, often without question (especially if of higher rank). This lack of questioning can get her into trouble at times. Fernie certainly isn't a fighter, and while she might think herself able to stand her ground, it's more likely she'd turn tail and cower if faced with genuine trouble or threat.

build Smaller
breed Non-Specific
height 10 in @ shoulder
designer Henna
Medium Length fur
Tufted ears + Paws
Has been fixed
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Fernie is light, cream coloured molly with darker cream seal-point markings on her face. A Darker cream patch on her back extends the entirety of her tail, with orange stripes. Fernie has darker cream 'boots' with some orange striping as well, and orange covering her toes. Her ears are orange and tufted, and she has an orange streak across her chest and nose.

Life Events


0 Months: Fernie is born as Sunny to housepets Socks and Smokey, alongside siblings Foggy, Snowy, and Rainy.

6 months: Sunny, like her siblings, is adopted out to other owners. Her owners rename her Fernie, and she's primarily an only cat, with occasional fosters. Her owners notice her hoarding tendencies, and joke about her having a dragon hoard.

7 months: Her owners have decided to encourage her fetching habits, and praise her for the things she brings them. They begin to make things with what she brings or finds. Fernie finds this fascinating, and likes to play with these creations when the humans aren't around

13 months: Fernie is enjoying herself on the outside porch when a familiarly bossy face appears. Rainy, now a showcat on a brief escapement from her owners, takes a moment to reconnect. That is to say, Rainy expresses how upset she is at being declawed. Fernie sympathizes of course, and is sad when Rainy's people take her away.

22 months: At a routine check up, Fernie has a brief meeting with a stray cat, who's recovering before being released. The conversation is rather short, but leaves Fernie with a lingering curiousity about the world outside of her neighborhood.

27 months: Fernie is surprised by her sister once again, and Fernie has something to share this time. She tells Rainy about the wildcats, and how she'd seen and smelled, and the conversation with the one. Rainy accepts to join Fernie on an adventure to find and try to join.

28 months: Fernie and Rainy join the runners- keeping both name and collar, while Rainy changes hers to Hummingbird.


30 months:Fernie has taken up being a Crafter, learning to be an Artisan. Her hoarding habits pay off, as she often has more than enough scavenged trinkets and trash. Firefly dies, Echo is promoted, and Worm is made Prior.

37 Months: Fernie graduates as a full artisan! She happily shares this with Hummingbird, hoping her sister would be happy despite her own inability to be in the same role. Hummingbird doesn't seem overly happy, but Fernie attributes that to disappointment, and not jealousy.

41 months: Verity, a senior Brawler, becomes first. Fullmoon becomes second.

46 Months: Just one month after Verity became First, they're slaughtered in the night and found by their mate. Fullmoon becomes first

Baby of the litter, Fernie admires how outwardly confident and loud she is- Hummingbird isn't one to let herself be spoken over, or forgotten! She knows how dsappointed Hummingbird was when she left the Artisan training, and how her lack of claws still bothers her. To do her best to make up for that, and chear her sister up, she tries to make whatever Hummingbird could want. She saves her best to let Hummingbird pick through.
relation name
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