Mommy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

KanekiVantas Global Rules

「Updated last: August 7th 2023」

Gifted designs cannot be resold unless with extra art, but can be traded or gifted. Designs won from a free giveaway are counted as gifts.
Designs bought from me can be resold, gifted, and traded.

Do not give my designs to: Just-Jay (Vanessa_Pekora) | Kingfauna (also owns husbando & byakuyatogami) | anybody on my blacklist
If you are seen giving these people a design, it is null and void, you no longer own it. I will ask you to return the design and add you to my blacklist.