Fumiya Kumagashi



1 year, 9 months ago


Fumiya Kumagashi

The things that scare me are the things I want to pursue the most.
Fumiya Kumagashi
Kanji 熊樫 史也
Rōmaji Kumagashi Fumiya
Character Info
Also Known As The walking Green Giant commercial (by Satori Tendō)
Big friendly giant (by Shin Osugi)
Gender Male
Date of Birth October 31, 1994
Age 18 (2012)
Height 203.2 cm (6'8")[*] - (2012)
Weight 90.7 kg (200 lbs)[*] - (2012)
Occupation High School Student (3rd Year, Class 3) - 2012
Affiliation Sengetsu Composite High School
Number 8
Position Ace
Wing Spiker
Opposite Hitter
Middle Blocker
Age 24 (2018)
27 (2021)
Height 203.2 cm (6'8")[*] (2018)
203.2 cm (6'8")[*] (2021)
Weight 93.0 kg (205 lbs)[*] (2018)
93.0 kg (205 lbs)[*] (2021)
Occupation Indie film director
Background Information
Family Hiroya Kumagashi (Father)
Sumiko Yamagishi (Mother)
Goal Go to nationals
Likes Horror games & movies
Simple clothes
Satori Tendō
Dislikes Problems without straightforward answers
Home Town Sendai
Home Country Japan
Debut Information
In the Manga --
In the Anime --
Seiyū Information
Voice Actor N/A
English Actor Ty Mahany

Fumiya Kumagashi (Japanese: 熊樫 史也, Kumagashi Fumiya) is a fan character for the Haikyū!! series by Haruichi Furudate. He's a third year student at Sengetsu Composite High School.

Fumiya has short, spiky black hair, with notably thick eyebrows of a corresponding color. His eyes are slanted and narrow, giving him a bored-looking expression. His irises are large and green. His facial expressions are typically neutral. He sports the standard Sengetsu uniform, is tall standing at 203.2 cm, and has a very large build.

Post time-skip, he appears mostly the same though he now sports a pair of rectangular glasses.

Fumiya is quiet and reserved. He is typically forgotten by others and blends into the background easily, and has been mistaken as being shy because he has a hard time expressing himself and is often as a loss for words. Despite appearing slow and dim-witted, as he doesn't always pay attention to what's going on around him and struggles to pick up on social cues, he is a deep thinker. An artistic type, his thoughts and feelings are best expressed through his photography, and it is through his photography that it becomes clear Fumiya is quite profound.

Fumiya hardly emotes. He is calm and collected under pressure, but there is a hidden intensity to him that is only displayed when he is truly having fun, such as in his matches against Shiratorizawa and Karasuno. This hidden intensity is also displayed in a more romantic sense towards Satori Tendō, a trait he got from his parents, who fell madly in love at first sight. He has shown himself to be sharp with quick reflexes. He has a great deal of confidence in his reflexes, and believes that even if he cannot read his opponent, if it's meant for him to receive their ball, then he will receive it.

He has always struggled to connect with others and found himself excluded from group activities early on. This has been a source of insecurity for Fumiya. He's likened himself to the pods from Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), often wondering if he'd secretly been replaced by an alien a long time ago.

Fumiya had been different from other children since he was small. His parents noticed he talked very little and appeared not to hear them, though doctors said his hearing was fine. He preferred to play by himself and this made early school hard on him. He didn't have friends and was lonely. Those days were spent watching movies with his parents as it was the easiest way for Fumiya's parents to get him to sit down and do something with them. From the moment he saw his first movie, Fumiya was enamored. He would sit and watch, entranced, and then he'd force them to pause on certain scenes and he'd hug the screen and point wildly at it. His parents couldn't understand the gestures he was making, but they understood this was his way of trying to tell them something.

The first time Sumiko let Fumiya use her phone camera, Fumiya smiled at her. She'd never seen him so focused, and then after he was done, he got so excited he could hardly sit still because he wanted to show her the things he'd taken pictures of, so his parents got him a mini digital camera for his eighth birthday, and that's when everything changed. He spoke for the first time, telling them he loved them. Fumiya began to make more eye contact and spoke more often after that. After he finished the sixth grade, he showed them a slideshow of photos he'd taken over the course of a few years. His parents finally saw what he saw—parents who loved him and would do anything for him, and a beautiful, serene world full of colours and creatures.

Fumiya didn't make friends easily, but he had one friend in middle school named Shuchang, a Filipino-Chinese student who lived in Sendai after his mom moved to Japan to pursue work. He thought Fumiya was very cool and invited Fumiya to his house to play games with him. He introduced Fumiya to the Playstation and a game series called Silent Hill, which instantly became Fumiya's obsession. Fumiya asked his parents for a Playstation. They agreed only on the condition he'd also find a sports club to join so that he could grow tall. Fumiya begrudgingly agreed. He tried soccer, basketball, baseball, and track and field, and he didn't like a single one of them for some reason or other. But then he tried volleyball, and though it seemed like this one would also be a dud, when Fumiya hit his first spike, something felt different, and Fumiya knew this was the one.

Karasuno High Team Formation Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Interhigh Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Tokyo Expedition Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Spring High Preliminary Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Tokyo Nationals Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Final Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Middle School Statistics
Game Sense
High School Statistics
Game Sense

Fumiya is a player in excellent physical condition. His height, physical strength, stamina, and jump have earned him a variety of nicknames from both teammates and opponents, all of them calling him a giant or a monster. He doesn't know his own strength. He's broken opponents' fingers before from the force of his spikes, and can easily break through opposing blocks. In addition, his ability to let go of any thoughts and just let his feet guide him makes him an excellent receiver. His formidable height and jumping power allow him to hit from a high contact point, which makes him difficult to block by most players.

Overally, Fumiya's play style is heavily reliant on physical power and on his instincts. He doesn't hesitate to move in accordance with where the ball is going to be and he adequately covers all his team's weak spots. Because of his play style, his opponents struggle to get used to his play style, as he is constantly adapting to theirs.

Height and reach:
  • April 2012:
    • Jumping Reach: 375 cm
  • November 2012:
    • Jumping Reach: 375 cm
  • Post-Timeskip:
    • Jumping Reach: 375 cm


Post-Timeskip Skills Parameter
Serve Reception
  • Digs/Receives: (Description)
  • Spiking: (Description)
  • Blocking: (Description)

Sengetsu Composite High School

Teammates • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

  • Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
  • Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
  • Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Satori Tendō

Boyfriend, later husband • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Wakatoshi Ushijima

Close friend • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Other Schools

  • Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
  • Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
  • Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.


  • Hiroya Kumagashi: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
  • Sumiko Yamagishi: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
  • "Out of all the sports I've tried, volleyball is the one I like most. It makes my bones feel all... wiggly." (To Kazan Hamano)
  • "Quote here" (To Name, Volume #, Chapter #/Season #, Episode #)
  • "Quote here" (To Name, Volume #, Chapter #/Season #, Episode #)
  • "Quote here" (To Name, Volume #, Chapter #/Season #, Episode #)
  • "Quote here" (To Name, Volume #, Chapter #/Season #, Episode #)
  • "Quote here" (To Name, Volume #, Chapter #/Season #, Episode #)
  • High School concern: Primarily—that he doesn't understand people. Secondarily—going out on dates with Satori Tendō.
  • Current concern: Winning the Golden Palm at the Cannes film festival in France.
  • Favorite Food: Coffee cake
  • Worst subject: Japanese language
  • His star sign is Scorpio.
  • He wears pure white shoes.
  • He rejected the Ace position from Kazan and Takato. Technically though, he is the team's Ace.
  • When Fumiya initially sent in his measurements for his uniform to the Student Services office, they sent him an email back telling him to stop playing around, forcing him to come to the office to confirm his measurements. The secretary had to get a stepping stool to measure him.
  • Fumiya was already 6'2 when entering high school. He had a growth spurt to 6'5 in the middle of first year, which he owes to all the spinach he eats.
  • He is an incredibly large eater comparable to Daichi Sawamura, though his palate is quite limited to vegetables, bread, and milk.
  • His favourite game series is Silent Hill. He was so inspired by the genre of survival and psychological horror that all his films focus on these themes.
  • He gets overstimulated very easily, so he tends to wear the same few clothes because they are comfortable.
  • He currently owns a Canon EOS R. He carries it with him in a secure satchel.
  • When he has an emotional meltdown, he stabilizes himself by kneeling down and wrapping his arms around his knees.
  • He hates most sweets, however he has learned to eat chocolate ice cream for Tendō's sake.
  • Nomenclature:
    • Fumiya (史也) — History + to be[*]
    • Kumagashi (熊樫) — Large oak tree[*]