Ariel Regime



6 years, 3 months ago


"W-wah...? Oh...I'll...I'll do it in the morning...or...or the day after..."


Energy Level: XIII
Strength: 2
Aura: 5
Vitality: 2
Resistance: 1
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 6
Skill: 4
Intelligence: 11
Persuasion: 5
Luck: 1
Magic: Void Magic
Paths: (Void Magic),(Ascendancy Magic)
Untaught Paths: (Chronological Magic),(Stardust Magic),(Aura Magic),(Regicide Magic)
Name: Ariel
Age: 6-17
D.O.B: 1,029 P.V.E. (Tempest Vessis.)
Gender: Female
Eye Color: An unnatural Purple
Skin Color: Tanned
Hair Color: Black
Height: Five foot five
Weight: One hundred twenty-one pounds.
Relatives: Sixteen siblings, six sisters and ten brothers. Youngest in the family. A father and a mother, as well as an uncle.
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bi
Defect: None, genetic research from Arcus' template has saved her arms which otherwise would have been amputated. 

Clothing: Ariel due to her laziness tends to wear the bare minimum, normally walking around the house barefoot in just a long shirt or sundress/nightgown, though it took a lot of scolding and convincing from her parents and other siblings to get her to wear that and not just walk around in her underwear all day. The only thing she seems to take pride in is her jewelry, tending to take the time to put on earrings and wear a different necklace every day, showing that there are signs of who she used to be somewhere in there. 

Personality: Ariel doesn't do much in terms of training or scholarship or royalty courtship training, (much to her parent's dismay). She is extremely lazy, she likes to loaf around. She doesn't put much energy into anything, anything except what her brother Arcus does. A combination of him being the only one who doesn't get annoyed with her laziness, the fact he actually likes and takes interest in her art, and the fact he saved her arms from having to be amputated has made Arcus one of the only people she puts any kind of effort into talking to, or follow around. 

She wasn't always like this, no one knows what happened but one day she just started to be extremely lazy and just couldn't put any kind of effort into anything, except drawing and of course her brother. She became a lot more depressed as well, sometimes people would hear her crying for hours into the night. No one really paid much attention figuring that she was just trying to get people to feel sorry for her and give her some attention, Arcus however always came in to comfort her. 

She doesn't get embarrassed as evident by the fact she use to walk around the palace with just her underware on for all to see, whether or not this is a trait to her personality or because she is just too lazy to care is unseen. She doesn't get upset often in front of people often going off to cry later on rather than deal with it right that second. 

Appearance: Ariel is a very petite being, very thin and small. Small bust, waist, legs, arms, stomach, butt, thighs, feet, arms, head- she is a very small being from a combination of genetics and general laziness and lack of using muscles. The only reason she hasn't gained lots of weight is a combination of a good metabolism and the fact she doesn't eat a lot.

Extra Details: She has never thrown out a single piece of art, she has it all about her room all over her walls or on desks or in drawers. 



Ariel has drawn a few...questionable pictures, ones that would make people worry about her. Pictures of a vast darkness consuming everything, a picture of her nude being torn apart by some kind of being, pictures of a grey-skinned person in a fetal position in the corner of a room- there are many pictures, however almost no one bothers to go into her room. Arcus doesn't see a problem- just innocently thinking she is 'expressing herself'.

Ariel often gets scolded or criticized for how lazy she is by just about everyone, while no one knows it- it actually makes her want to do those things less.

Despite everything- Ariel still holds onto a faint hope of one day being able to marry and have a child with someone.

While unknown to everyone else, Ariel has actually trained slightly in Arcus' preferred path of magic. 
Timeline Differences

These are differences in the timeline, that will apply based on what AU Arcus is in.

In the standard timeline, when Arcus decides to abandon his family due to their genocidal plan for the Terrans, Ariel will finally snap out of her laziness and try and convince her brother to stop what he is doing. Feeling she can't afford to not do anything anymore, regardless of what she has seen.

In the Archon AU if Arcus decides to leave his family she will actually lose all desire to do anything, having lost the only person that she felt she should do anything for. She will even stop drawing, and only eat and drink- but even then she'll only do it when the pain and discomfort from dehydration and starvation becomes too unbearable. 


Drawing Equipment: She always brings pens, pencils and paint brushes wherever she goes in order to draw whenever she gets the urge.