Akihito Tozan




-Married to Genjiro. They met at school and were good friends for over a year before eventually Akihito gathered the courage to ask him out. After school, they moved in together and later got married, and have lived happily since. (Genjiro calls him "Aki" as a nickname)

-Quirk is called "Time Pendulum". Using his hands, he can manipulate specific targeted things or areas and move it forward or backwards in time. This can result in things such as speeding up/removing wear and tear, rewinding and fast-forwarding events, speeding up growth. It has its limitations and can't affect human growth or death, nor more complicated actions. 

(He can specifically do things like: Reverse something falling over, reverse minor/surface wounds, fast-forward wind to blow away dust, fast forward small plant growth)

-He works as part of a cleanup crew employed by the government to help clean up after villain attacks, natural disasters, or any major sort of incident. They tend to be city based, but can be called out to clean up in other towns and cities wherever they are needed. He also volunteers as a post disaster rescue worker, being able to reverse some of the damage to safely get people out of destroyed buildings or similar situations. Since both his job and volunteer work are on-call, and his husband is a pro hero, he gets to spend his time doing whatever he likes, as long as he's able to leave at a moment's notice.

-His grandfather, mother, and sister have this quirk. His grandfather specializes in using his quirk to grow plants, his mother is a doctor who specializes in reversing wounds/illnesses/etc. that would normally be more life threatening and giving patients more time. His sister is a detective who uses her quirk to rewind and replay a crime scene to show her more information. 

-Originally he went to UA to become a hero, wanting to do something just as great as his mom and older sister (who was at the time just starting college to become a detective). While he passed the entrance exams, he was still weak and quite shy. He tried to rely too heavily on his quirk, and eventually started to become discouraged upon realizing that all his classmates were improving in leaps and bounds, but he wasn't, and he was quickly falling in the ranks, despite being a studious kid. He eventually met Genjiro, who he immediately admired for his strong and confident demeanor, and Genjiro took him under his wing a bit and helped him out with hand to hand combat. The two spent a lot of time together, and while Akihito did improve, he still was not at the same level as his classmates.  Finally, near the end of the year, Akihito thought he would have to leave UA, and was really broken up about it, afraid of losing his best friend and secret crush. He did talk to principal Nezu and while it was recommended he step down to general education only, a compromise was found so he could stay in some of his classes, and he was moved to the support class. It was after that meeting that he confessed his crush to Genjiro, as he was so excited to stay at UA and stay connected to the hero course. 

-Although he was more timid as a child, he's definitely grown out of that as an adult. He is still quite polite, with a soft demeanor, but he learned to stand up for himself and others, and can be firm when he needs to (or downright terrifying when he's mad). He's also confident in himself and his identity, and he enjoys more feminine things without shame or fear.  He even calls himself Genjiro's "trophy wife" as a joke. The two main parts of his personality are the gentle and caring side that he's always had, mixed with a determined confidence that won't let anything stop him. 

-Interests include: home decorating, gardening, crafts and other creative projects, cooking, fashion, cleaning (he can be a bit anal about things being in their proper place), puzzles of any kind, and nature documentaries. 
