


1 year, 9 months ago


Charles, usually referred to as 'Sherlock' by his customers, is a private detective. He's notable for being one of the greatest ones around- but is particularly known because he doesn't take sides. He only focuses on what his client wants accomplished- nothing more. That being said, he works for both Interpol and villainous teams, and uses his past experience to help out future investigations for either side. While the phrase 'Snitches get stitches' should definitely apply to him, his deduction skills help him avoid any attempts to take him out. It's a cat-and-mouse chase between him and any attempted assassinations. Of course, this can only last for so long. He could definitely be caught some day.
Charles' personality can fluctuate wildly. While he is normally charming and outgoing, that can change on a whim when the situation calls for it. He is particularly skilled for changing his personality and appearance for undercover research. He seems to space out a lot- but the truth is he's focusing on what most would consider trivial details. So if he stares at you, he probably isn't checking you out! He's just trying to figure out where you work, where you live, what your name is- all that from just your appearance! Charles is successful most times, but won't say anything unless he's confident about it, as he hates to be embarrassed by false assumptions. He isn't too cocky with his observations, as he doesn't immediately tell someone everything he knows about them at their first meeting, unlike the actual Sherlock Holmes. That being said, sometimes he misses things that should be blatantly obvious, like when people are making jokes or using sarcasm.
Kind of dating Archer from Team Rocket. Oops!