Behemoth's Comments

I really love Behemoth's story. <3

Controlling ink would be a really cool power, same with making the little bird out of ink.  You came up with a great way for him and Neptune to meet and a great way to introduce your new character. ^^

Behemoth has a great personality and is definitely someone I would love to know. 

hehe thanks :3

Yeah, it is^^ Though for him it's more a power to play around^^ He doesn't use it in fights or seriously. He probably could come up with a way to do so, but he's just fine with his chains and artefact powers xD

It was pretty natural how they met^^ I mean, usually it's hard to make connections for a character like Behemoth who never really had feelings that resemble empathy or love. To him, nothing really is important. And he had no reason to live. Then Alynn gave him that reason/ purpose in life. But he doesn't 'love' Alynn, he only serves him/ admires him. That's why he'd be mad if he was taken away.
But the way they met, not really meeting but acting more as one, understanding each other as if they always knew each other... It's so natural and probably the only way he could ever form close bounds to anyone.

Iolana will show up later, but she's only his student. He teaches her fighting. But he doesn't have any kind of feelings for her. It's kinda difficult for him to grasp^^

I don't really know, if that is some kind of mental condition he has, I don't know everything that well. But I think it's nice to be around him, it should be calming and nice, if you're not one of Alynns enemies x)

Your welcome. ^_^

It's probably really nice for him to have a power he can use just to relax and not in battle. 

I agree, it was a really natural meeting for them. Alynn for sure gave him a purpose and he's able to observe him and learn from him. Which is really nice. ^^  

Finding someone who understood the feelings he put into his poems probably means alot to him.  Especially with how he told Alynn "I don't know " when he asked him if he would kill him. Forming bonds with people can be really hard tho, depending on your personality. 

Behemoth will be a great teacher, after he gets used to it of course. c:

I think it would be nice and calming to be around him too. He really is a amazing character. 

Thank you for telling me more about him. <3

hehe, sure^^ I'll update again, when I finish it :3

Also... You know, if you have any critisism, let me know^^ And I know that my writing style sucks, sorry for that - but I mean like story wise, if there's an Idea you have to improve it, it's always very welcome owo I mean, I like it but I'm always open for suggestions critisism and better ideas ^^

You actually have a great writing style. I mean I've read Alot of books and your style is better then quite a few of them. ^_^ Alright, I'll let you know. Thank you for telling me. c:

it is? Oh well xD
I hope I'll get better nevertheless ^^''
Bc I think it's a bit boring and all over the place and all that x) But I've been perfectionist when it comes to writing forever. which is why i never finished stuff i started writing ... ^^''
On th i tell myself, it doesn't have to be good sooo that's why I can write the stories here. They just have to have information in them. So that kinda works out.

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