


1 year, 8 months ago


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OC Made by Pierlicious and Pinklette

ã€name】 Sparkle
ã€called】 Sparkadoodledonkey
ã€gender】 she/her
ã€age】 idk
ã€height】 idk
ã€race】 alicorn
ã€role】 gets Ollie out of trouble
ã€demeanor】 reserved
ã€element】 none
ã€flower】 content



Sparkle is rlly chill and calm unlike Ollie. Ollie kind of just runs around causing chaos and picking fights with people she doesn't even have any chance of beating and Sparkle has to chase after her and apologize for her. Ollie also teases Sparkle a lot but Sparkle doesn't mind bcs they both know she doesn't mean it (also Sparkle can always call Ollie short to make her shut up). Sparkle is also an introvert. One thing both of them have in common is that they both love reading books (totally not bcs their creators loved reading). Also I feel like Sparkle is kinda inspired by Twilight from mlp XD


》I made this backstory in 4th grade and I'm typing this from memory so that's why it makes no sense pls bear with me

Sparkle's horn had been broken ever since birth, leaving her unable to do magic. Sparkle was shunned in school because of it. She became friends with another pony who was shunned for having broken wings, Camora, who strangely looked similar to a pony who kept appearing in her dreams (sus). In the library, they found legends of a magic stone that could grant a wish to whoever found it, in the elf dimension (they are in the pony dimension which I almost ripped the name off from mlp, but in the end I named it Maronia for no reason). They ditched school (who cares about school anyway lol) to go on an adventure (fun fact: my favourite part of the story was being able to choose all the junk food they could bring on the trip) . In the city, they bumped into Shelina, the princess, shopping in a terrible, obvious disguise. They convinced Shelina (i forgot how I'll check later lol) to teleport them to the elf dimension since she's the only pony who can teleport through dimensions. (I'll continue this later bcs tbh I forgot the rest of the story)

The Adventures of Sparkle and Ollie: Episode 1

Sparkle was chilling having a picnic on a hill when she suddenly heard Ollie screaming her voice. Terrified Ollie was in trouble, she ran into the cave the voice was coming from to find Ollie showing off a very rare and valuable book, The Legendarium, she had mined from the cave/book mine. The only problem was-- she didn't own the mine and was happily tresspassing on and damaging someone's property. They were caught by the owner, the book wolf (most original name award goes to-), who was nice and said he would let them off if Ollie returned the book. Ollie stubbornly refused to, so the book wolf set his book worms/snakes and spiders on them. While they were running out, Sparkle convinced Ollie to drop the book and ran out. However, Ollie had gotten trapped in the cobwebs near the ceiling while flying and the bookworms were yelling at her to give up the Legendarium. After some chaos, Sparkle managed to get them out by creating a portal in the mine and transporting them to a random place.

Episode 2


Episode 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a dolor dapibus, bibendum turpis non, laoreet turpis. Nullam vulputate auctor lacus, id aliquam nunc lacinia ut. Integer congue ornare ante consectetur tempus. Morbi viverra scelerisque sem. Aenean lacinia tellus turpis, in ultrices ante cursus et. Morbi nunc felis, lacinia sit amet eros molestie, lobortis cursus leo. Morbi consequat convallis quam, vel pellentesque sapien tristique sed. Donec eget leo sit amet felis iaculis aliquam. Donec faucibus leo ligula. Quisque ultrices nisl in erat porttitor, eget rutrum nisi porttitor. Sed id mi cursus, porttitor tortor congue, euismod lacus. Sed interdum sem turpis, in pulvinar dolor semper at. Duis in sem tincidunt, feugiat diam eget, sodales mi. Phasellus nec eleifend nulla. Nulla viverra, turpis vestibulum scelerisque luctus, sapien eros venenatis massa, at faucibus tortor turpis a nulla. Fusce mattis, sem eget tempor sodales, lorem magna placerat ipsum, a interdum libero magna vel ex.

  • Sparkle and Camora became alicorns bcs they saved the world when skipping school. What were YOU doing in school?
  • Vivamus a dolor dapibus, bibendum turpis non, laoreet turpis.
  • Nullam vulputate auctor lacus, id aliquam nunc lacinia ut. Integer congue ornare ante consectetur tempus.
  • Morbi viverra scelerisque sem. Aenean lacinia tellus turpis, in ultrices ante cursus et.


[ best friend ]

Ollie is Sparkle's chaotic best friend who always gets them into trouble, leaving Sparkle to get them out of it. Even though Ollie annoys and teases Sparkle a lot, they would do anything for each other.



[ sister ]




[ friend ]

Sparkle and Ollie met Shelina on one of their adventures. They are good acquaintances and Shelina often drags them to tea parties or shopping trips, or just invites them to her castle so she can talk about herself for a few hours.

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