Momochi Kobayashi



1 year, 9 months ago


This character actually belongs to my boyfriend, Eric, who does not have a profile and gave me permission to add Momochi onto here. :)

Momochi Kobayashi is not officially on paper part of the Galaxy Team, but he's been there long enough that nobody questions him and everybody treats him as though he is. He is a young man in his late teens squatting in an empty room at the compound - a room that would later be assigned to Riko Kobayashi upon her isekai-induced arrival. They have worked out some kind of deal and are now secretly living together as roommates so he doesn't get in trouble, something he fears greatly if he is caught. He does his best to carry on in day-to-day business like he belongs there, fearing the consequences if he is found out.

After the death of his family at (what people who know assume is) the hands of wild Pokemon, he came to Jubilife and took up residence in that room. There was an incident in the Wild Area with some bandits - the Miss Fortune Sisters - that left the family in a bad place and attracted the Pokemon to the area. While the trio did not directly harm the family, Momochi still places some of the blame on them because of their whole "bad luck" schtick. His parents and his younger brother are now gone, with no sign of the brother anywhere to be found. This happened fairly recently, he's been at the Galaxy Compound for less than two years by the time Riko arrives. He does his best to keep his trauma to himself, telling absolutely nobody about any of it and deflecting questions. The incident has left him with a deep-seated fear of Pokemon, barring Ghost Types. The Pokemon that the Sisters used, and the ones that attacked the family, had corporeal forms; Ghost Pokemon do not, and some small part of him takes comfort in the thought that maybe, just maybe, these might be the spirits of departed humans helping him out and keeping him company.

Despite his fear, he has incredibly quick reflexes and has proven excellent at capturing Pokemon in Balls and dodging various attacks. Because of this, he is now part of a research team with Chieko Ichiri and Riko Kobayashi. Chieko does the actual research part of the job, taking notes for the PokeDex and rushing in with no fear to discover and craft new things. Riko was made part of the Security Team after her arrival and takes care of most of the battling side, doing her best to keep the two alive. Momochi is usually the one throwing the PokeBalls and filling out official paperwork afterwards.

Momochi and Chieko will eventually hook up and marry, kicking off a lineage that leads to Riko generations into the future.